Quote Originally Posted by gamezausel View Post
Hi, can you tell me, if the parts I have been given before tarting the appliance, go to the box automatically or have to be unlocked? If so, how do I unlock them?
If you've been accepting parts gifts, they're in your inventory now (main menu - My Gifts), and anything in there is counted. If you already have enough, your 'Build it!' button will be lit up when you tap to manage your box. If it still needs more, it'll show you exactly how many of which ones, and have a separate 'Ask' button for each one. You can send up to 20 requests per day; if you send more than that, they'll clog up and take longer to get out to your nbrs and back to you, so it's best to choose your 20 most active nbrs for requests and only send to them.

This chart will show you which appliances take which parts so you can check your inventory and see if you've got what you need. (Here's the BS one if you play that too.)