How do I unlock Sir Pigglesworth?

From Dabag's goal guide

1. Prime Cuts .Rewards 800 coin 3xp
(this goal appears after collecting a prime cut from a cow)
. GIVE 6 Prime Cuts to The Baron (Rare drop from cows & sheep

2. Sir Pigglesworth .Rewards 1,000 coin 1xp (this goal appears when you reach level 9)
. FIND and DELIVER the Golden Apple (rare find from adventure, or magic garden, glimmerbat habitat if you have one OR Market>Plants>Apple Tree 90 gems NOT Crab Apple Tree
. FIND and DELIVER the Gold Nugget (rare drop, mines or rocks)
. FIND and DELIVER the Golden Egg (rare drop. chickens or hatchery)

3. High Steaks .Rewards 1,350 coin 3xp (follows goal> Prime Cuts
. GIVE 30 Prime Cuts to the Baron

4. The Truffle Hustle .Rewards 800 coin 3xp (after collecting truffle from Sir Piggy
. GIVE 6 Truffles to the Baron

5. A New Home .Rewards 25coin 1xp
. PLACE Sir Pigglesworth in your Kingdom
. FEED Sir Pigglesworth SIX times (collection once every hour)

6. Sir Pigglesworth Says Hello .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
. FEED 50 Strawberries (1hr crop) to Sir Piggy
. PET Sir Pigglesworth
*Sir Pigglesworth thanks you by finding 1 wisp lantern