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Thread: 4 Star Neighbors With Spoiled Food?

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    4 Star Neighbors With Spoiled Food?

    For the last month or so I've been trying to be a better neighbor and tip more often and also weed out abandoned bakery neighbors. In doing so I went from 145 neighbors to 100 and I've noticed something odd.

    Many of my 4 star neighbors have had spoiled food on their appliances for days/weeks. When I see this it's usually all the same appliance cooking the same dish that's spoiled on all of them. I've noticed it with all different cook times, short, long, and in-between. I don't understand how or why this happens. If you're tipping enough to get up to 4 stars, why aren't you serving the food off your appliances? I don't think it's because they haven't been on in a few days either because it only took me a day and a half to go from 4 to 3 stars after tipping over 100 neighbors. I also notice 4 stars cooking absolutely nothing and sometimes all appliances have been put in storage. Which could be to take a break and let the food on the counters to sell. That at least makes some sense. But 4 stars with consistently spoiled food doesn't make sense to me.

    It's made it difficult to tell if I should just go ahead and delete them. That's is usually one of the good tells if a neighbor is still active. How long has the food been spoiled? What's their star rating? I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this lately or ever while playing BS? Or in other TL games because I've noticed similar activity in Farm and Fashion in the last month also.

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    if they just quit and never look back, their rating gets stuck at 4...

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by nky1111 View Post
    if they just quit and never look back, their rating gets stuck at 4...
    Wouldn't you have to delete the game for your rating to stay stuck on whatever it was at the time? That might explain a few of them, but these neighbors I'm talking about often also have decor from the most recent update so it doesn't explain those neighbors.

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2012
    I've found over the last few days, I have to tip a lot more neighbors to stay at a 4 star rating. It seems to drop a lot more quickly than ever before.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I agree with srg70, it seems harder and harder to stay at 4. If I tip early one morning and don't tip until late the next night I go down to a 3. I tip daily and am a great neighbor. I like to see a 4, I like people to know I'm a good neighbor. Please fix the star rating system.

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    Mar 2013
    Fortunately I haven't noticed a drop in my star rating yet. I've been at a 4 for a long time, ever since I got to 4 stars. I have 80 something neighbors and tip all of them daily plus a few others I stumble upon. Guess that's enough? lol

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    A room in a house in a town in Southeast Kansas
    Quote Originally Posted by sls0991 View Post
    Fortunately I haven't noticed a drop in my star rating yet. I've been at a 4 for a long time, ever since I got to 4 stars. I have 80 something neighbors and tip all of them daily plus a few others I stumble upon. Guess that's enough? lol
    Half of that is enough, because that's exactly what I do with my 36 neighbors, and I've also stayed a 4 since I hit it.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I agree with sls0991, 80+ wasn't enough to keep my star rating from dropping from 4 last night to 3 this morning. It doesn't drop or rise consistently either. Yesterday I started with a 3 star rating. I visited all 100 neighbors, tipped and deleted more abandoned bakeries until I was down to 88 neighbors. Of those 88, I'm pretty sure I was able to tip x6. I also tipped 3 other bakeries who dropped by mine. When I was done last night I was back up to 4 stars like I had been after visiting all neighbors 5 days ago. So sometimes it may take 5 days to drop and sometimes it only takes 8 hours. I've tipped 10 neighbors already this morning and my rating hasn't budged.

    Quote Originally Posted by TinksThots View Post
    Half of that is enough, because that's exactly what I do with my 36 neighbors, and I've also stayed a 4 since I hit it.
    Quote Originally Posted by sls0991 View Post
    Fortunately I haven't noticed a drop in my star rating yet. I've been at a 4 for a long time, ever since I got to 4 stars. I have 80 something neighbors and tip all of them daily plus a few others I stumble upon. Guess that's enough? lol

  9. #9
    Yeah it's been harder for me to keep a 4 star rating. I have around 80 neighbors whom I tip daily and random visiting at other bakeries and my rating has been dropping like crazy in between tips. Though I do see myself not caring too much about the star rating and tips when I hit lvl 99, it is sad that the tip rating is the only real good way to see if neighbors are active, and it only shows tipping activity anyways.

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