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Thread: Farm story update suggestions

  1. #11
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Updates for Kindle

    I am guessing others have goals, if so we would like them also. And a tab to send gifts to all, a box to check next to name so we can mark favorite neighbors.

    Also, why not just purge all pending invites that have been there longer than a week or two. No one wants to invite a neighbor that does not play often.

  2. #12
    I have a suggestion. Next to your farm name should show your star level like how it shows what level you are on. You can only see the star level of a new neighbor once you send a invite. I have invited new neighbors and they only have 0,1,2 stars. I may not have invited them because of the low star rating. It gets a little frustrating when you have new neighbors that don't play, gift or water. Yes I could delete them, but need so many to expand. Thank you for letting put this idea out there.

  3. #13
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    What would be "GREAT" is if TeamLava added an upload feature and we could use our own photo!!😃

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Why were the buttercup flowers removed? You need to bring them back!

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