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Thread: Energy is a ****er and will be the ruination of this game

  1. #11
    Farm Supplier
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by yupiyupigumgum View Post
    If there's no energy limit, we will love this game so much , get so excited and won't stop playing. And we'll reach level 30 in couple of days. And that will make TL design team have to work extra hard to catch up with us . This energy limit give us time to calm down, get a real life and also give them time to come up with more creative ideas for the game....and time to rest too :-) . That's my crazy opinion.
    Your crazy opinion is dead on balls accurate... What is so hard to understand here people? With unlimited energy players would grow tired of this game in a few.

  2. #12
    Farm Supplier
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    Storm Id = Nmid
    We...i* am not asking for unlimited ener, but rather a bigger buffer than 1.5 hours.
    Can't visit 16 times a day, at the exact time spread....
    Even though I did log in more than 100 times over a normal 16 hour period.

  3. #13

    Energy?! Major game design flaw, IMO.

    Constantly running out of energy is one of the stupidest aspects of this game -- it's a major game design flaw, IMO. What is the purpose of this requirement? It only seems to serve to discourage me from playing the game. There's nothing to do once you've run out of energy. And as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a way to increase the max energy level. As my city grows bigger, there's no way to collect all my my money and goods. It's just causing me to grow bored of this game.

  4. #14
    Rhino Keeper
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    Sep 2012
    I used to hated the limited energy but it's growing on me. It is not such a demanding game and the folks I play with don't demand so much and I rarely get the unhappy broken hearts on my wall. Just check in for permit request every 2 hours. Fun bunch to play with! It was rough in the beginning though.

  5. #15
    Is there any way to increase the max amount of energy, or is it permanently capped at 30?

  6. #16
    Rhino Keeper
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by larrypoppins View Post
    Is there any way to increase the max amount of energy, or is it permanently capped at 30?
    I have 18 banks and about thirty percent of the time I pick up another energy so I harvest the banks first every 8 hours. and then harvest the 4 doughnut shops. Then the sky view and department store grocery etc. I think I read that the post offices are a better value but I just like the way the banks look.

  7. #17
    I totally agree. In fact, I just posted a new thread on this very topic.

    The energy requirement just causes you to want to stop playing the game, because there's nothing to do once you've gone through all your energy! As your city gets bigger -- it seems to remain maxed out at 30, unless I'm missing something -- and you can only collect a portion of your money at one time. If they're going to keep this function, at least let it scale with you as your city grows. I mean, what's the point of creating a lot of buildings to generate more revenue when you can't even collect it?

    This might be a case where the game designers have intentionally sacrificed quality game play in an attempt to encourage users to spend more money on gems to convert to energy, and that sucks. It's a nice looking game and otherwise pretty cool, but they seriously need to consider revamping this function.

  8. #18
    Farm Supplier
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    Storm Id = Nmid
    I click on community buildings only when my energy is less than 25 to be on the safe side.

  9. #19
    Farm Supplier
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    Storm Id = Nmid
    Community buildings do occasionally offer you a net increase of 1 energy, when u click them.
    Any building that increases ur pop cap.

  10. #20
    The Honorable Panda
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    merging this thread with the other thread on this same topic.
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