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Thread: How to post photo?

  1. #1

    Question How to post photo?

    Norman explains how to take the photo and enter, but his instruction leaves out how to get the photo from saved on your device onto the forum page. Can someone help the technically challenged? And stop laughing at me!

  2. #2

    Question Please help

    I need to know how to do this too! Please advise!

  3. #3

    holds hands up...

    I also have no idea how to add a photo. would love to enter the comps .. but dunno how to post a pic.. I know how to take the pics and get them onto my puter.. but how to post them into a thread i have no idea.. (hangs head in shame)...........

  4. #4
    The Unregistered
    Hey guys! This is how I do it 8)

    1. Snap a picture of your restaurant and choose "Save To Photos"
    2. Go to your iPod's home screen and then Photos
    3. You should the find the picture in your "saved photos". Go to that photo and tap the little arrow curving to the right (Bottom left)

    Then hit "email photo". Email the photo to yourself and then from your computer browser, save it to your comp.

    4. Upload your picture onto a picture hosting website. Here's one you could use (no registration required):

    After you have uploaded, copy the link that is in the Direct Link for Layouts box. Head on over to the contest thread and paste that link down (along with your ID of course XD)

    To insure that your picture will show up, add these as a prefix/suffix to the link:[img][/img]

    So it should actually look like this while you're editing

    TIP: To save yourself another job, keep your link in handy somewhere on your computer so you don't have to re-upload for the next contest!


  5. #5

    Posting pictures

    Is there a shorter way w/o a computer

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Is there a shorter way w/o a computer
    Take a look at this thread. It might help.

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