Is the decoration invisible on your wall by chance? I know there are two sections of wall (the corners where the two sides touch) that won't show decorations on iOS devices. Regardless of what I place there, it instantly turns invisible. After I place a wall deco in either of those sections, if I then tap the wall it will show the deco but as soon as I close the design tab, it disappears again. However, if I open my game on any droid device, those decos show without issue. It's weird.

Anyway, wherever you placed the wall deco in question, if it's not showing when tapped in design mode and your game rolled back or 'lost' the deco, you can try for a refund via Support Ticket.

As for the Commercial Mixer, it's always been a deco that sits directly on the floor so it's not a bug but rather an oddly designed item. There's a few other items like this so be sure you check the preview of any new decos on your board before you purchase them in the future. It's a huge help to avoid the headache of buying things I instantly regret, lol. And, if I'm recalling correctly, there is a way players were able to place the deco near an empty table/counter that gave the illusion of the mixer sitting on it instead of the floor. Sort of like how players can use dividers to give the illusion of walls and stairs. If you really like the item this could be something that could make it more workable for your set up.

Also, there's always the BS Suggestion Forum where you can post your idea of altering the deco. The team doesn't always respond directly to our posts but they do look at what's on the forum so there's always the chance they'll take the advise and use it