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Thread: My Game Is A Mess

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    My Game Is A Mess

    Over the last five years, I’ve been putting up with quite a lot from this game. But as of now, it has gotten old. I talked to someone in support about not getting all my gifts and requests about 5 or so years ago. They said they could find no issue. Well now, along with only being able to receive 19 gifts today, I have 5 ovens that revert to not being started, every time I close out and come back into the game. It’s been doing this for DAYS, but today, it finally has gotten so bad that I’ve struggled all morning with just one round of food.

    Every time I turn around, I’m being swindled out of one or two gifts and I rarely receive all 20 of my requests. I sent myself a request from another account several weeks ago, and it NEVER showed up. I checked to make sure I sent it. I even checked to make sure I hadn’t already received my allotted amount for the day. I had not. I never send out more then 20, although recently I did just to see if I would get 20, and still, no such luck!

    Off topic, I never complain often. I have spent money on this game since day one, and never made a fuss when they took my Gem machine back after a mix up, and that all this time, I’ve been struggling to make goals BECAUSE of the gifting problem (I’ve even missed a few). I’ve never complained that some people get ads for gems while I strip my wallet in support of the game I love, I’ve even kept my mouth closed about spending the last few months BARELY earning any coins. All I want is for the game to operate as it was intended. I won’t be able to do the mini goal if I can’t cook the food.

    I’m just wondering, who I have to talk to to get these things ironed out? I’ve tried everything they tell us to try. None of it has worked and I’m at the end of my rapidly fraying rope. I have invested in this game. All I want is for it to work properly.

    There is no point in getting angry about all of this. It won’t change what is happening, but it is frustrating, and even, at times, upsetting. Kind of like paying for something you aren’t getting.

    Would it be possible for someone to look into this? The gifting problem isn’t just with me, there are others complaining of the same thing. I also cannot receive a replacement gift if I decline a gift. It says I’m full?! I feel this COULD be linked back to when we were given the free gem icon 5 or so years back. It disappeared after a few weeks and then the troubles started. Also, it seems when neighbors send me a request, it counts it as a gift! So if I have 16 gifts and 4 requests, it says I have 20 gifts. �� I am still able to watch a couple of videos to speed up food…maybe THAT is the issue? Though I NEVER really have used it except for a couple of occasions.

    Just need some help.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by LightAndLove83; 10-27-22 at 07:45 AM. Reason: Added to

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