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Thread: Castle Story: 6/15 - What Storms May Come | Coral Castle | *goals in post 2-6*

  1. #821
    Fashion Designer
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    Nov 2013
    I chopped five anemones and got 2 this normal, it's making my teeth sweat lol.

  2. #822
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by kat8rose View Post
    I chopped five anemones and got 2 this normal, it's making my teeth sweat lol.
    its much betterif you can o the boost. i quit forawhile and just amassed tons of anenomes
    -shortdanzr aka wicked red
    [Though she be but little, she is fierce]

    *accepting new neighbors. I answer all requests, but don't visit daily

  3. #823
    I am way behind the storyline.. i only need one clownfish to upgrade my Coral Castle and it is taking me forever to find one. I have the blue and Teal anemone but still no luck.
    Is clownfish a rare drop? ☹️☹️☹️

  4. #824
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shezzowickked View Post
    I am way behind the storyline.. i only need one clownfish to upgrade my Coral Castle and it is taking me forever to find one. I have the blue and Teal anemone but still no luck.
    Is clownfish a rare drop? ☹️☹️☹️
    Yes, I think they are. Keep collecting from all of the sources that drop clownfish you have. I get the most drops from the ocean chest.
    Found: Ocean Chest, Teal Anemone, Blue Anemone, Coral Castle, Crush - Orange Marmosea, Armored Siren

  5. #825
    New Resident
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    Ummmmm has anyone else?s game completely rest back to level one????

  6. #826
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsmoo7 View Post
    Ummmmm has anyone else?s game completely rest back to level one????
    I'll move your post to the right thread soon, but if you've logged a ticket with support that can reset your game (which is easy to restore) or do you play on multi devices? step by step instructions here in this post to restore your game - Transfer your game / Logon on Feature.

  7. #827
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
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    I'm working on this story line. I'm almost to the end, working to upgrade my castle to level 10. I thought I would share some thoughts on it for players who haven't started it yet.

    This is a money, energy and time intensive story. One person reported it costing over 20 million coins. I don't think there is anything here that is essential to work on before other story lines. Because of this I might suggest people consider following the faerie stories first. The faerie bulb and houses are decent coin droppers. This was suggested by someone in the thread (please forgive me I've forgotten who) and I think it's a super idea.

    Read The Walkthroughs Before Beginning!
    If you want two blue aquapanthers, you must gather all ingredients and craft both at the same time before collecting the first crafted aquapanther.

    The pink aquapanther has very specific instructions that are time sensitive. Each time you upgrade your castle, check your kingdom goals book to see if you are prompted to craft the next item (potion). After the crafting, it must be intentionally given by toggling the icon in the story task. If you miss a potion along the way, I don't think you will be able to get the pink aquapanther. Once you turn a potion in, the recipe you just made goes away from the craft building.

    After upgrading the castle to level 9, all 6 potion recipes reappear for crafting so they can be turned in for the pink aquapanther. You will need to give a second of each of the 6 potions you crafted previously all at once, and it's also timed. If you are a collector you may want to craft three ahead of time each time you are given a new recipe along the way. Just be mindful of the short timer for turn in. At the end, all 6 potion recipes disappear from crafting once given. This is not a potion you can craft and trigger to help boost collecting any other time than when it is specifically asked for. And I didn't think the boost helped at all I'm sad to say.

    And if you stop working on it for a while you may be like me wondering if you blew it and forgot to turn one in. That made me fret. You may want to make a note for yourself on what you've done.

    Low Drop Rate
    From reading the posts, most people struggled to gather enough eels and/or clown fish. For every anemone or coral cleared, you get one eel/clown fish. And sometimes you had to clear a second just to get one drop. That's costly. There are items available for gems that drop these rare items. Most commenters were unhappy with their drop rate. I found them to be helpful, specifically the teal anemone and ocean chest. Collect from your castle every two hours. It has decent drops. Also collect from Sirene. Most of my rare supplies came from collecting from the castle and some of the gem purchased decor in the market. It will accumulate if you do a collection round every time you log in.

    Gem items available
    Teal Anemone
    Found: market, 75 gems
    Drops: ocean clay, orange shell, clownfish, eels, white pearls
    Collection time: 24 hours

    Ocean Chest 1x1
    Found: market, 250 gems, reward from goal (Part 4, goal 5)
    Drops: ocean clay, seaweed, orange shell, clownfish, eels, white pearls, mermaid brew
    Collection time: +250 / 8 hours (speed up 32 gems)

    Coral Tree
    Found: market, 75 gems
    Drops: reef slab, orange coral, blue coral, starfish, black pearls
    Collection time: 12 hours (speed up 48 gems)

    Info: An old ship's anchor.
    Found: market, 500,000 coins
    Drops: reef slab, orange coral, seaweed, starfish
    Collection time: +50 / 1 day

    Coral the Octomaid also drops orange coral which is needed a lot.

    Boosts for materials?
    I earned the Mermaid Mayhem boost. Just afterward I also earned the 3x boost for crafting the pink aquapanther. The boosts are supposed to have a possibility of getting better drops. I did not find the drop boost to be noticeable. I gathered one special drop per anemone/coral that I cleared. I was pleased with the mermaid mayhem reward. The text for completing mermaid mayhem says miscellaneous mermaid drops. I did receive about 30 clown fish and 15 eels from mermaid mayhem (you may receive something different). If I remember correctly, it requires you cut 10 coral reefs (80,000 coins each) and 20 blue anemone (45,000 coins each). There is a time limit. If you want to do mermaid mayhem, I would collect the blue anemones and coral reefs as drops rather than purchase if you can and the time limit isn't a problem. I would save them specifically for this task. I used the ones I had in inventory along the way after the individual potions hoping to get a boost for each potion, but in hindsight I don't think the boost helped at all and I would save them for mermaid mayhem so I don't have to use such a huge chunk of coin in the small time window. And this will be energy intensive as coral reefs = 20 chops, blue anemone = 10 chops, each. Short answer, expensive, and the boosts weren't impressive but I was very happy to get a big chunk of rare resources.. The 30 clown fish rewarded is about the same as purchasing and energy usage of clearing 30 or more coral reefs; and the eels rewarded about the same as purchasing and energy used clearing of 15 more blue anemone. That is why I felt mermaid mayhem was worth doing. I hope it is the same reward for everyone.

    There were a few comments on adventures helping with materials. Adventure Drops: Earth Wisp, Lumin Essence, Silver Ore, Simple Glue, Reef Block, Reef Column, Enchanter's Essence, Super Glue, Seaweed Salad, Blue Anemone, Ocean Reef, Mermaid's Brew, Ocean Hors D'oeuvres, Coral Reef Block, Coral Reef Column, Mithril, Elvenite, Storm Water

    I crafted an Armored Glimmer Loch and so far it is not dropping any eels or clown fish. After collecting for a few months, I do not suggest crafting aquatic creatures from the MRC in the hope of them giving rare drops. I think their intention is decorative and coin generation, not resource drops. And they cost too much to make if you are still using eels and clown fish in the story.
    Last edited by TeikaEmberstorm; 10-13-21 at 11:49 AM.

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