Quote Originally Posted by mattdiner View Post
Hello everyone! I was one of the most active members here back in 2011 around the time this forum was first created. I was a very active player of Restaurant Story as well as some Bakery Story and City Story. I became the first player-moderator here on the forum at the time. (This was only on the TeamLava forum, as there used to be different forums for some of their different groups of games.) I left the position when I became inactive in 2012. I never stated my age, but I was only 14 years old at the time. It seems like some people from those days are still active around here.

Since then, I have graduated high school, graduated college, and got a full-time job. I hope all is well with everyone!
I think I remember seeing your name on the older side of the forums. As I will occasionally go through them threads to see what people's opinion/thoughts were on something(s) back then.

I give you all my congratulations though! That's something to be very proud of. Best regards for your future endeavors!