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Thread: Gemstone Crafts Expiring

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by MajicHearts View Post
    I just hope that we can sell the trading portal since it is(will be) no longer useful...
    I agree, don?t need a big useless decoration. Please tell us what we can do with it S8.

  2. #62
    It seems to me that if this is another way to get us to spend gold, it is going to backfire on them as I for one WILL NOT, this game is getting rediculous and too much like hard work instead of the fun game it used to be.

  3. #63
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Den8137259 View Post
    24 hr processing time be it trading or crafting seemed to be a recent favorite for S8 ★

    Sorry I am not speeding this up using gems! Good try though! ★
    It's just like the expansions, it takes months before you get a dragon this way.
    Speeding up costs more then the dragon costs are in gold. I should wait until the wanted dragon comes for a goldsale!
    Take Rare Lunar Horse now, 150 gold or 400 essences!
    Speeding up the portal for 400 essence by 4 Ultrarares x100 essence costs you 4x96=384 gold.
    But if you also have to breed 4 Crusaders to use for this and want to speed them up too 4x44x3=528 gold
    So speeding up everything 528 (den+nest+temple) + 384 gold (portal) = 912 gold, for a dragon that's available for 150 gold now! And this is only a Rare dragon, Ultrarares are 1600 essences, so speeding everything up costs 3648 gold then!

  4. #64

    Gemstones and Codex

    1) CODEX: what is it and why is it only the iPhone/ios users i know who have it? Why do the programmers have only make things available for ios?

    2) Games that give hundreds of gold! Yes I'd like that too. Instead of struggling with the 1 or 2 gold I'm allowed to receive a day to make ends meet.

    3) google play store only has 4.1 versions available for android. Why no 4.2?

    4) ALBUM? what is it and why does it still say COMING SOON? seems like coming never for the last 2 years.

    What Is Replacing Gemstones....

    that is the way it appears.
    I see that Flatfoot and Kooky Panda have been making replies. This does make me feel a lot better.
    I do wish that since ads are constantly being thrown at us during game that someone would have seen fit to add the info link to Codex and Dragon Portal info. Since many (android) players cannot see it.
    This would go a long way to alleviating frustration.
    Thank you
    Last edited by GinettaZ; 02-21-18 at 04:18 PM. Reason: Flatfoot replied

  5. #65
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2015
    @GinettaZ, hopefully with the release of the Dragon Codex (also for Android) most of your frustrations have been answered.

  6. #66
    The Honorable Panda
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlatFoot View Post
    @GinettaZ, hopefully with the release of the Dragon Codex (also for Android) most of your frustrations have been answered.
    Please use this thread to discuss the expiring of the gemstone Dragons.

    Please use the above link to discuss and ask questions on the new Dragon Codex.
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  7. #67
    Rhino Keeper
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by kooky panda View Post
    Please use this thread to discuss the expiring of the gemstone Dragons.

    Please use the above link to discuss and ask questions on the new Dragon Codex.
    Since the gemstone dragons are expiring and the gemstones are no longer available from the Trading Portal or, presumably from the Gemstones in the Sky quest, why is starting the Gemstones in the Sky quest a goal in this weeks bingo? For that matter, why would there even still be a Gemstones in the Sky quest at all anymore? Perhaps gemstones can still be gained from this quest? If not, it seems that 18 hours and 75,000 coins is a steep price to pay for no real reward. A more fitting quest and bingo goal would be for an essence prize.

  8. #68
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by FlatFoot View Post
    Correct, obtaining the gemstone dragons will be different and the requirement for gemstones in stage events will not exist going forward unless there is another way to obtain them.
    You said requirement for gemstones will go away so how else are we suppose to get them????

    In bingo today I had Craft Nether Dust!!! This requires purple and blue gemstone! Trading portal is Gone!!

    Also what about current dragon tales require 2 small rubies? Trading portal is gone!!!
    I asked about dragon tales gemstone requirement before but my question was ignored! Why????
    I currently Play Fantasy Forest Story, Dragon Story and Castle Story. Looking for a few good neighbors to trade and visit!

  9. #69
    Flatfoot, could you please tell me what is going to happen with Lotus Dragon? Technically it isn't a gemstone type dragon and it doesn't say "limited" in the spell shop, unlike the actual gemstone type dragons. But it does require spell scrolls and nether dust. Will we still be able to use the spell scrolls and nether dust we already have for crafting Lotus Dragon after march 6th, even though gemstone materials are gonna be "hidden to clean up the visual appearance"? Thanks in advance for answering.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    The Codex is really cool! However, players now have to figure out an entirely new mindset about which dragons to hatch and which not to. I've been selling the vast majority of my duplicate dragons right off the nest. Now it seems like we need to keep every dragon we hatch so that we can trade it for essence, then invest food in feeding every dragon at least to level 4 in order to be disenchanted. No offense, but I am feeling a bit "disenchanted" with these changes. Lol! Actually, it doesn't seem like commons will be worth disenchanting because they only provide 10 essence each. It will take virtually forever to obtain enough essence to trade for any dragon that might be coveted. For instance, some dragons cost 1600 essence. That means you would have to trade 16 Ultra Rare dragons just to get that one, or 160 commons. I look forward to hearing what strategies other players come up with for obtaining dragons in the Codex. It seems like maybe I can choose one or two dragons per year that I would like to obtain and just endlessly trade duplicate dragons until I obtain the required amount of essence.

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