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Thread: WOW Need level 88 help!

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2011

    WOW Need level 88 help!

    I can't stay on this level long enough to figure out what to do! I used up all 5 attempts in about 1 minute - yikes!! Can someone tell me how to avoid the demon bubbles. Any suggestions on how to play this level would be so appreciated. I have gotten help on other levels from this site and it makes playing so much more fun. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    To answer your question, it would be helpful to understand why it is that you are hitting doom bubbles. Is it because you are trying to avoid hitting them but your aim is a little off? In that case, I would recommend that you more carefully aim your bubbles before you shoot. Assuming that you have chosen the 'tap and shoot' style of shooting (the game's default setting), first place and hold your fingertip on the device screen, and then move your finger around, noting that a trail of small dots appears to indicate where your bubble will go when you release it. Make small movements to control precisely where the bubble is being aimed. Once you are satisfied with the direction, then release your finger from the screen to fire the bubble.
    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2011
    That helps with how to shoot - thanks! I'm not sure which bubbles I can safely hit. I also need to practice bounce shots - they often don't go where I intend. Is there any way you can hit the + bubbles that are next to a demon? Do you need 3 bubbles above a demon in order to pop the color bubble and drop the demon? - 2 above pop the demon. Is there anything productive you can do with the bubble that have nowhere you can place them or do you just have to lose them? Thanks!

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Simply put, if a thrown bubble touches any part of a doom bubble, you lose. So you should avoid getting anywhere near a doom bubble. Bounce shots take lots of practice to get good at. This is not a good level for getting that practice, so try to avoid bounce shots on this level. Plus bubbles are popped once you place three or more bubbles of that same color into a cluster with them. Don't feel like you have to collect the points for every plus bubble in this level, though. Some are not worth going after, as the three extra bubbles you gain from popping them are not worth the effort it took to do so. As a rule of thumb in this level, only try to get the plus bonus for plus bubbles that are already in a cluster of like-colored bubbles, and therefore only require one hit (of that color) to get the points. Generally, you have to throw away bubbles of a color that cannot form a cluster anywhere. You can minimize such wasted bubbles on this level if you plan ahead for the next shot after the current shot, keeping in mind the colors of the next two bubbles in your queue.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I took another look at this level. There are places where it is advantageous to use a bounce shot, and not so dangerous, as there are no doom bubbles near the desired target area. So firing a few bounce shots in this level is OK.

    There are enough bubbles in this level that you can play it conservatively and not throw any bubbles close to doom bubbles. If you want to practice precision shots that come near doom bubbles and just miss them, though, it's OK to try, but be aware that when you place bubbles in the game, there are only certain places they can go (any given bubble can only be touched by six others, in a fixed arrangement), and so your bubbles may end up landing in a location slightly different than where you expected. You have to be careful, for example, about throwing bubbles in a way that they will not overshoot your intended landing place and thereby hit a doom bubble. This kind of precision placement takes practice.

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thank you so much. Your information is so well written and exact! You could write an instruction guide!!! This has helped me get further than I ever thought i would. Still not there but a lot of times, as you stated, the bubble does not go where I intended. I think I will be able to get through this, but will require practice. At least your help will keep me from quitting the game. Again, thank you.

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I got it - YEA!!

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yes impeccable descriptions and directions. Makes me feel wonderfully inadequate when I try to dole out tips. Keep up the good work Lincstrake. Much appreciated.

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