Quote Originally Posted by si03f View Post
I find it to be absolutely RIDICULOUS that ONE border collie costs 149 gems! Then to add to that ridiculousness, in order to get a bullfrog you need a tree frog to crossbreed with. But in order to get a tree frog, you have to complete a collection. The only part of that collection I have not been able to complete is the stupid border collie since it would cost me 298 gems just to get 2 of them. I can only imagine what it costs to breed them! I would assume it would cost 149 gems each since so far any animal I have bought that cost gems, however many gems it cost to buy the animal was the same number of gems required to breed them. Its a joke. In the other games, if I buy gems they will at least last me for a while and allow me to do a few diff things. But in pet shop story if I buy gems, they usually will only last long enough to buy an animal, a mate, then breed it twice. That's foolish enough to convince me to no longer waste any REAL $ on a FAKE pet shop in a FAKE game. Maybe team lava should stop being so greedy and start to give some to get some. Just a thought!
I agree!! There should be an option to either pay gems OR an extra amount of coins!