Quote Originally Posted by tonguelashing View Post
Awwww shucks *blush* Thank you :-) If it's ok with you, I'll send you an invite when I get home later. Or, feel free to send me one, but please make sure you post on my wall who you are so I know where the invite comes from.

Yes, this dragon is going to be hard to get, particularly in the short contest time frame. I'm hoping for it, plus a couple of the other night, virtue, and light hybrids I'm currently missing so may end up breeding this one for quite a while even if I don't get it in time for the contest.
Invite sent... :-)

And yea, that's the reason I didn't just buy it outright, was hoping for some of the other hybrids in the process, but other than goblin and moon (which I do feel *extremely* grateful for) it's giving me all the wrong ones... *sigh*

I was hoping maybe I'd have some extra gold left over at the end of all this, but at this rate, that's not looking like it will be the case...

I'm embarrased to admit how many more useless fails I've had since my earlier post.