Quote Originally Posted by RAD1959 View Post
What would I like see added to the game? First and foremost, shouldn't the Mayor have a nice dwelling of her (or his) own in town? Just a thought, but I digress, Community buildings I'd like added: a university, a high school, a library, a playground (for the elementary school), a zoo, a transit center (for buses and taxis), a train station, an airport, and an observatory. Businesses I'd like to see added: a liquor store, a drug store (along the lines of a Walgreens), an (East) Indian, Mexican and Chinese restaurant, a beauty shop, a florist, a dry cleaners and a car rental agency would be a great especially if an airport is added. Individual taxi and bus stands would be great too and would better fall in under Decorations, like the subway station.

An incredibly obvious miss: MOVING cars!! For example, we have a police department but NO police cars "driving" around town, we have a hospital but NO emergency vehicles, a fire department but NO fire engines, elementary schools but NO school buses, mansions but NO limos or expensive cars, get it? OH and shouldn't we see the mayor walking around town? We chose our avatar when we name our city so I think it would be great to have that choice as our (individual) mayor and changing it could cost us a gem or two.

Lastly, it would be GREAT if the Wonders would be reduced from time to time just like gem packages.
man, your suggestions are excellent, TL should listen to you, and I totally agree with you.