Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What??!!? Gems cost money. Plain and simple. You can earn them by downloading other free games. Since the beginning, it's been clear their intent is to make money through selling gems. I have never, nor will I, pay for gems and I still play the game and am quite successful at it.

The pool hall analogy could be one of the dumbest I have ever heard. How do you think they pay for the tables, upkeep, salaries, etc.? That's like saying you should get to use a public swimming pool for free if you agree to stay off the high dive or go to a movie for free if you buy snacks or sit in the back! Go buy your own pool table if you want to play for free and dictate all the games you want to play.
seriously!! his analogy was the dumbest for sure -__- ppl need to get over this whole gem thing, its not a big deal
im constantly getting comments on how nice my bakery is and i havent spent $1 on gems.
AND you actually CAN earn gems by baking and getting to level 2..there goes ur "earning by s****" haha