Well thank goodness I'm a high level player who has more coins than i know what to do with because I'm going to lose a lot of money now! I have hundreds of thousands of servings of recipes that used to be worth more than 4 coins sitting on my counters that will now go for 4. Given the price I paid to make those recipes in the first place and now the drastically reduced amount I'll get from them, it sounds like those recipes will be a net loss now.

I can understand reducing the amount of servings a recipe makes, as many of us, like myself, have counters with millions of servings of food that just keep accumulating. More customers would have been better, but oh well. However, changing the value of all recipes down to 4 is a retroactive change for those who have stockpiles of these food on their counters that will cause them to lose money. I don't know if I'll be making money anymore as my expenditures to make food might surpass the value of what sells.