As a player since 2016 they have never/rarely put out complete sets. It is always a random sale. They don't have matching tables and chairs even - which blows my mind. Why sell one without the other?
I think they just randomly select items to put in sale with most of them ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS being repeats. In my wish list, the items I have listed haven't been on sale since 2019 or before and the items we keep getting repeat yearly.
I think they should release EVERY seasonal item or at least rotate them until they circulate through them all.
They are missing such a great opportunity for sales the way they limit these sales.
Also - why was there no sale on Friday February 16. Hoping for one today since they missed it - but since there was no advertisement for a Monday sale I highly doubt it.
Something is seriously wrong over there and I truly hope they get it together. So many mistakes, missed opportunities, and lack of creativeness. For the love of this game please get it together.
So all that to say I don't think they are "making mistakes" I think they intentionally being difficult.