Quote Originally Posted by northernlight412 View Post
Hey, you got your diamond way before I got mine. It took me until level 121 when I bred one using Firemane and Mermaid playing the Halloween version of the game (that version of DS had the island at night and replaced a few decorations with Halloween themed things. I wish they would bring that back). Firemane and Mermaid are forever blessed dragons on my island for giving me that 43:59:59 on the clock. I hear you on the Neo Trash Dragon. I kept breeding that and a bunch of purple/blue hybrids when DS refused to give me black dragons for 4 months back in 2016. By the way, congratulations on the Rainbow Dragon.

It took me a looong time for first diamond but do not remember level at the time. But do remember dragons....dapper and chandelier! Now thats a combo!