Quote Originally Posted by kdmusgrove View Post
Wow. Sorry you feel ripped off, but they actually gave us more time than they said they would. I'm one token away too, but still just looking forward to the next hunt. As for the fountain, it gave me about 7 tokens this time around. And as far as being so mad, you should read the other posts on here and the hunt thread. People, myself included, were quite thrilled to see this very promising and rewarding event, especially in light of recent failed attempts at giving us something worth our effort and spent gems.

P.s. S8 if you're reading this too, thanks for a wonderful hunt, all the deco (even though most of mine doesn't match lol), the chance for new animals, the mrc, and the cabbage hut! I look forward to having the chance to get them all in the future!
I am on android, and i actually wholeheartedly agree with this...though the Baron's Tent would be super awesome to have someday...

This hunt was amazing, I had so much fun with it. i actually have a total of 35 coins, and from android, that's so great (used to be like a total of three, maybe, per hunt). Also that mythic research center? OMG I cannot wait till I get one! Actually, now that i think about it, i got 40 coins by the end, because i am a sucker for the storyline, I got a locket.