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Thread: Castle Story: The Baron's Game Tent | How it works | Prize lists

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Castle Story: The Baron's Game Tent | How it works | Prize lists

    The Baron's Game Tent

    *NOTE*: The Baron's Tent is considered a "mini game" & cannot be stored OR sold.
    This is not a bug.

    Collection time: 22 hours
    Available at Level 10

    How does the Baron's Tent work?
    1. Every day there's a new grand prize you can purchase. The grand prize is random. All known drops are outlined in the Inventory Guide.

    2. Every day you get 3 free cabbages upon entering the tent, with the opportunity to get more cabbages by watching videos. If you buy cabbages, remaining ones (above 3) are carried over to the next day but you do not get an additional 3 free ones.

    3. In order to get the Grand Prize, you may need to purchase some cabbages as you need all 6 prizes to get the grand prize and you're only given 3 free cabbages (+ those acquired from watching videos).

    4. Even if you do not want to purchase cabbages, throw your three free ones per day (unless you have the Cabbage Hut). You will still get those prizes (the ones behind the Baron's face).

    5. Purchases you can make inside the Baron's Tent:
    * 1 rotten cabbage = 10 gems
    * 4 rotten cabbages = 40 gems
    * 10 rotten cabbages = 90 gems
    * 22 rotten cabbages = 180 gems

    6. There is no known limit on how many rotten cabbages you can accumulate.

    How does the Cabbage Hut work?

    1. The Cabbage Hut drops 1 rotten cabbage on each collection and has a 22-hour timer.

    2. The rotten cabbages are "stored" inside the Baron's Tent (not in your inventory). There has been no reported limit of the number of rotten cabbages that can accrue and be stored in the Baron's Tent.

    3. The Cabbage Hut has a limit of 2: One can be purchased in the market for 450 gems; and one can be crafted in the Trolls' Trade Wagon (16 hrs) for 70 golden Troll Tokens.

    How can I accumulate Rotten Cabbages?
    1. To start the accumulation process, make sure you have your 3 free ones first from the Baron's Tent and then collect from the Cabbage Hut. You now have 4!

    EXAMPLE: Start with your 3 free Rotten Cabbage. Don't use them. | Now collect from your Cabbage Hut. You should have 4 Rotten Cabbage now. Don't use them. | The next day collect from the Cabbage Hut again. You should now have 5. Don't use them. | Continue each day collecting from the Cabbage Hut without using any until you have the amount you want or enough to hit all 25 spots.

    2. You can only get 1 additional Rotten Cabbage per day from the Hut; you won't receive an extra 3 from the Baron's Game Tent. This is because the Baron's Game Tent will only bring you up to 3 Rotten Cabbages daily. If you have more than 3, it won't add more. (ie, If you have 1, it will add 2 to bring you up to 3. If you have 3, you won't earn any since you already have 3.)

    Watching Videos for free Rotten Cabbages (iOS only)

    Daily video allowances may vary: Players may get 6-8 videos/day

    1. You can watch videos daily to get resource items like blocks, beams, wood, coins, a gem through the Video icon of the left side of your screen.

    2. If you want to get Rotten Cabbage instead of these items above, DO NOT watch those videos. Instead, when you see the video icon on your screen, go to the Baron's Tent and start throwing Rotten Cabbage. (Of course, only throw the cabbage if it's an item you want to get!).

    3. Once you have less than 3 Rotten Cabbage left in your tent, you will be asked whether you want to watch a video for a free cabbage (the prompt appears at the bottom left of the screen inside the tent). You will get 1 Rotten Cabbage for each video viewed.

    What if I don't have the Cabbage Hut?
    Without the Cabbage Hut, you only have 3 Rotten Cabbages to throw per day (unless you choose to buy more with Gems).

    Rotten cabbage is now a drop from particular items. You can find out the current list by looking in the Inventory Guide (under the listing for R on page 2)

    Many thanks to NorthWoodsKingdom, meme1098 and federerGOAT for the information about the Tent and the Cabbage Hut.

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    The Barons Game Tent & The Cabbage Hut

    The Baron's Game Tent

    Ruler: (Oh no, doesn't he ever stay in the castle?)
    The Baron: Good news, peasants!
    I have created a fun game to improve your dreary lives!
    IVY: Ooo, I love games! How do you play?
    Baron: It is simple!
    You just take these crowns and throw them at figurines of my regal face.
    If you crown the Baron, you win!
    IVY: Ugh. Leave it to you to ruin games.
    Baron: I do not require your approval, only your obedience.
    Now have fun! I command it.
    IVY: Figures. We get a new game to play with,
    and it's about the Baron and his stupid crown!
    Ruler: Well, he commanded us to have fun, didn't he?
    We just need to change his game into something everyone can enjoy!

    Ivy>How are we going to make a game with the Baron that's fun?
    1. Crowning Achievement - 500 coin buys the Barons Game Tent in the Market!
    Yeah right. Like we are going to play a game where we crown The Baron!
    Ivy>Gross, there's pictures of the Baron everywhere in here.

    IVY: Wait until you see the improvements I made to the Baron's game!
    Rulers: Um, there's still an awful lot of Baron faces in here.
    What's the improvement?
    IVY: Before, you had to toss crowns at the Baron to make him King.
    Now, you toss rotten cabbages! Here, watch!
    And the best part is, each time you hit the Baron, you get a prize!
    There's even some nifty Grand Prizes I made that
    will help spruce up the kingdom!
    Ruler: That sounds amazing!
    So, you have any more of those rotten cabbages?
    IVY: Oh, I've got loads. This game will keep me occupied for a looong time.

    Ivy>Here you go. Now take aim, and don't be afraid to recall throw those cabbages hard.
    2. My Cabbages! - throw rotten cabbages in The Baron's Tent!
    Aim at The Baron, tap a face to toss a rotten cabbage at it! Win a prize for each face you hit!
    Find all 6 unique prizes to win a Grand Prize!
    Ivy>Three Splats in a row! You've got quite an arm!

    Great Find! Look at all the prizes you won!
    Come back to win some more awesome prizes!

    Ruler: (Looks like the Baron found out about our game.
    Quick, act nonchalant!)
    IVY: Whatever do you mean? I'm acting nonchalant.
    Ruler: (Smooth.)
    Baron: Why are you miscreants throwing cabbages at my loveable likeness instead of crowns?!
    IVY: Well, no one was having fun with your version of the game.
    Ruler: You *did* command us to have fun, after all.
    Are you saying we shouldn't obey your orders?
    Baron: ...
    IVY: I wonder what other commands we're supposed to ignore.
    Baron: No! I--er, fine. You can keep this... game.
    As long as you respect the chain of command!
    Ruler: Of course, your worship.
    Ruler & Ivy: (Hahahahaha!)

    Ivy>Well, I'm out of cabbages for today.
    You can buy more now, but I'll be restocked tomorrow.
    3. Splat The Rat - throw more rotten cabbages
    (Come back tomorrow to get 3 more cabbages!)
    Ivy>Come back soon for more cabbages!

    The Baron's Game Tent: Released - April 15, 2015

    The Cabbage Hut

    Royal Proclamation!
    New Item: Cabbage Hut!
    Drops 1 FREE Rotten Cabbage every Day!
    Save them up to guarantee you always earn the grand prize
    In the Baron's Game Tent!

    IVY: Hah! Our version of the Baron's game tent is a hit!
    The Baron actually believed his game was going to be fun.
    Ruler: Your version is definitely more fun.
    Though the smell of rotten cabbages is kinda gross.
    IVY: Oh. Yeah, I've been making them near our farmhouses.
    Ruler: ...
    We should probably move that production far,
    far away from where we keep our fresh food.
    IVY: Right-o!

    Ivy>The smell *is* pretty bad. Ok. Really Bad.
    A specialized house just to produce and store these
    throwing-at-the-Baron-cabbages will be perfect.
    1. Spoiled Rotten - 450gems buys Cabbage Hut from the Market!

    OT: Ah! There you are! Good news, everyone.
    Ruler: What's the good news, Old Thomas?
    OT: The citizens are much happier
    now that the rotten cabbage production is far away.
    Ruler: I'm glad to hear the people are happier.
    IVY: And that happiness will DOUBLE when
    they throw one of these at the Baron!
    OT: Oh dear... I do wish we could all get along.
    Ruler: Me too. I guess until the Baron changes,
    we can have a little fun.

    Ivy>No point in trying to fix what we can/t fix!
    Let's enjoy ourselves and have some fun.
    I bet you this next shot is going to land on the
    "how could you feed me this horrendous from farm-to-table food?!"
    2. Boom! Headshot! Throw some rotten cabbages
    What did you win at the Baron's Game Tent?

    Cabbage Hut - Update October 15, 2015
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-01-24 at 09:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2015 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    * The Baron's Tent was released in April 2015.

    Click on show to expand the view:
    Spoiler: show

    New Items: Merry-go-round, Balloons, Garden Bench, Jinx and Peaches the kittens, Teddy and Ziggs the pups, Tree with Bird's Nest, Outdoor Bake Sale, Rose Palisade
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: prizes from April continue this month

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: prizes from April continue this month

    New Items:Selina the Royal Kitty (brown) & Sansa the Royal Kitty (orange), Emma the Royal Poodle (white) & Geoffrey the Royal Poodle (brown), Archery Range, Traveling Bards, Clock Tower, Maypole, Puppet Show, Jewel Display
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: (Miniature) Huskies - Maya (brown) & Eric (blue/grey), Hairless Cats - Medea the Sphynx (tan) & Anda the Sphynx (brown/tan), Golden Arch, Golden Throne, Pegasus Statue, Piles of Gold, Golden Brazier, Golden Chalice
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: Dragon Bones, Prince Alexander (brown/white) & Princess Alexandra (blonde/white), Treasure Hunter Cat & Grumpy Cat, Baron's Art Collection, Fairground Swing, Ruler's Carriage, Medieval Art Studio, Carrier Pigeon Cage
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: Candy Haul, Spooky Candle, Jack o'Lantern Puppy House and Pyramid Kitty House, Coffin Puppy Bed and Cauldron Kitten Bed, Mummy Kitten and Witch Kitten, Vampire Puppy and Pumpkin Puppy
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: Gnome Ivy, Gnome Sabina, Gnome Greselda, Gnome Thomas, Gnome Thurston, Gnome Kaz, Faerie Puppy, Faerie Kitty, Faerie Sheep, Faerie Horse
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: Poinsettia Manticore, Reindeer Horse, Elf Skunkupine, Santa Sheep
    Re-released items: Anda the Sphinx, Frenchie, Sansa the Royal Kitty, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Prince Alexander, Grumpy Cat
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-12-21 at 10:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2016 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    January 2016
    New Items: Gentleman Troll, Fireworks Dragon, New Year's Horse, Cozy Holiday Sheep,
    Re-released items: Chartreaux (Originally from Beatrice Pfefferknot's Birthday Event June '15), Selina the Royal Kitty, Emma the Royal Poodle, Princess Alexandra, Treasure Hunter Kitty, Medea the Sphinx

    February 2016
    New Items: Tunnel of Love, Kissing Booth, Cupid Puppy, Cupid Kitty
    Re-released items: Gentleman Troll, Fireworks Dragon, New Year's Horse, Cozy Holiday Sheep

    March 2016
    New Items: Glimmeregg Alicorn, Bunny Kitty, Butterfly Bush, Butterfly Garden, Bunny Topiary
    Re-released items: Tunnel of Love, Kissing Booth, Cupid Puppy, Cupid Kitty

    April 2016
    New Items: Glass Dragon, Glass Palace, Glass Carriage, Boston Terrier, Serval Kitten
    Re-released items: Glimmeregg Alicorn, Bunny Kitty, Butterfly Bush, Butterfly Garden, Bunny Topiary

    May 2016
    New Items: Flower Power Alicorn, Flower Power Manticore, Flower Power Gazebo, Flower Power Carriage, Rainbow Tower
    Re-released items: Glass Dragon, Glass Palace, Glass Carriage, Boston Terrier, Serval Kitten

    June 2016
    New Items: Fox Pup, Tiger Kitten, Sand Spire, Sand Watchtower, Sand Castle
    Re-released items: Flower Power Alicorn, Flower Power Manticore, Flower Power Gazebo, Flower Power Carriage, Rainbow Tower

    July 2016
    New Items: Fireworks Griffin, Fireworks Naga, Pie Cart, Cobbler Cart, Lemonade Stand
    Re-released items: Fox Pup, Tiger Kitten, Sand Spire, Sand Watchtower, Sand Castle

    August 2016
    New Items: Faerie Naga, Faerie Dragon, Tealight Palisade, Fox and Geese, Jester Chair,
    Re-released items: Fireworks Griffin, Fireworks Naga, Pie Cart, Cobbler Cart, Lemonade Stand

    September 2016
    New Items: Pirate Raccoon, Black Tiger Kitten, Moon Bridge, Moon Lake
    Re-released items: Faerie Naga, Faerie Dragon, Tealight Palisade, Fox and Geese, Jester Chair, Cobbler Cart

    October 2016
    New Items: Skelecorn, Frankencore, Griffina, Mourning Angel, Ghost Bench
    Re-released items: Pirate Raccoon, Black Tiger Kitten, Moon Bridge, Moon Lake, Cobbler Cart

    November 2016
    New Items: Beagle Pup, Autumn Wolf Pup, Fall Gazebo, Fall Pond
    Re-released items: Skelecorn, Frankencore, Griffina, Mourning Angel, Ghost Bench, Black Tiger Kitten

    December 2016
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: prizes from November continue this month
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-12-21 at 10:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2017 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    New Items: Grey Clydesdale, Arctic Fox, Winter Garden, Winter Picnic, Sweets Cart
    Re-released items: Beagle, Autumn Wolf Pup, Peaches the Kitty, Jinx the Kitty, Sansa the Royal Kitty

    New Items: Aquamarine Alicorn, Aquamarine Dragon, Rainbow Poodle, Aquamarine Gazebo, Aquamarine Watchtower, Aquamarine Spire
    Re-released items: Grey Clydesdale, Arctic Fox, Sweets Cart, Winter Garden

    New Items: Flower Puppy, Flower Sheep, Flower Stag, Flower Fountain, Floral Pine Tree, Floral Gate
    Re-released items: Grey Clydesdale, Arctic Fox, Sweets Cart, Winter Garden

    New Items: Faerie Alicorn, Faerie Griffin, Faerie Fountain, Fire Faerie Statue
    Re-released items: Faerie Dragon, Faerie Naga, Faerie Horse, Faerie Sheep, Faerie Puppy, Faerie Kitty

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Baron's Art Collection, Carrier pigeon cage, Orange Cobbler cart, Dragon bones, Fairground swing, Medieval art studio, Pirate raccoon, Ruler's carriage, Ruler's gate, Treasure Hunter cat

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Pumpkin Puppy, Mummy Kitten, Witch Kitten, Vampire Puppy, Frankencore, Haunted Carriage, Spooky Graveyard, Hayride, Spooky Tree, Graveyard

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Autumn Wolf Pup, Beagle, Black Tiger Kitten, Fall Gazebo, Fall Pond, Fire Lily, Garden Patio Set, Griffina, Hayride, Sweets Cart

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Anda the Sphynx, Elf Skunkupine, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Poinsettia Manticore, Prince Alexander, Reindeer Horse, Santa Sheep, Snowman, Winter Garden, Winter Picnic
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-12-21 at 10:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2018 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: prizes from December continue this month

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Fireworks Dragon, Flower Power Gazebo, Love Lamb, New Year's Horse, Pink Chick, Pink Rainbow, Pink Unicorn, Rainbow Poodle, Serenade Tower, Tunnel of Love

    New Items: Spring Unicorn, Faerie Teacup Garden, Panda, Corgi
    Re-released items: Griffina, Ruler's Carriage, Tealight Palisade, Gnome Ivy, Fox Pup, Emma the Royal Poodle

    New Items: Enchanted Faerie's Hive, Swan Pond, Silver Fae Dragon, Cavalier Spaniel, Spring Clydesdale
    Re-released items: Sweets Cart, Flower Fountain, Prince Alexander (brown & white) & Princess Alexandra (blonde & white), Flower Stag

    New Items: Spellbound Hive, Spellbound Faerie, Tide Dragon
    Re-released items: Silver Fae Dragon, Cavalier Spaniel, Gentleman Troll, Dragon Bones, Fairground Swing, Rainbow Tower, Lemonade Stand

    New Items: Donkey, Tuftkin Kit, Aquatic Dragon, Aquatic Wyvern
    Re-released items: Pyramid Kitten House, Moon Lake, Golden Arch, Glass Dragon, Butterfly Bush, Beagle

    New Items: Horse Carriage, Glimmer Griffin, Stack of Books, Bird Feeder
    Re-released items: Fairground Swing, Sand Castle, Sand Spire, Sand Watchtower, Butterfly Bush, Butterfly Garden

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Faerie Kitty, Faerie Horse, Faerie Puppy, Faerie Sheep, Faerie Naga, Faerie Dragon, Faerie Griffin, Faerie Alicorn, Fire Faerie Statue, Faerie Fountain

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Baron's Art Collection, Carrier pigeon cage, Orange Cobbler cart, Dragon bones, Fairground swing, Medieval art studio, Pirate raccoon, Ruler's carriage, Ruler's gate, Treasure Hunter cat

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Pumpkin Puppy, Mummy Kitten, Witch Kitten, Vampire Puppy, Frankencore, Haunted Carriage, Spooky Graveyard, Hayride, Spooky Tree, Graveyard

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Autumn Wolf Pup, Beagle, Black Tiger Kitten, Fall Gazebo, Fall Pond, Fire Lily, Garden Patio Set, Griffina, Hayride, Sweets Cart

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Anda the Sphynx, Elf Skunkupine, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Poinsettia Manticore, Prince Alexander, Reindeer Horse, Santa Sheep, Snowman, Winter Garden, Winter Picnic
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-12-21 at 10:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2019 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Black Tiger Kitten, Autumn Wolf Pup, Beagle, Emma the Royal Poodle, Griffina, Jinx the Kitty, Ziggs the Pup, Teddy the Pup, Peaches the Kitty

    New Items: no new items. Special: Pink Mink available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Cupid Target Practice, Direlove, Direlove Piglet, Kissing Booth, Lovebeast, Lovebeast Pup, Lovecupine, Lovepea, Royal Wedding Hall, Tunnel of Love

    New Items: no new items. Special: Emperor Griffin available by winning 10 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Spring Unicorn, Faerie Teacup Garden, Panda, Corgi, Griffina, Ruler's Carriage, Tealight Palisade, Gnome Ivy, Fox Pup, Emma the Royal Poodle

    New Items: no new items. Special: Venomous Kitsunecorn available by winning 12 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Dragon Bones, Lemonade Stand, Aquamarine Watchtower, Aquamarine Spire, Aquamarine Gazebo, Gentleman Troll, Rainbow Poodle, Aquamarine Alicorn, Spellbound Faerie, Silver Fae Dragon, Silver Fae Dragon, Cavalier Spaniel, Tide Dragon

    New Items: no new items. Special: Lady Treeple available by winning 12 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Flower Fountain, Floral Pine Tree, Floral Gate, Spellbound Hive, Gentleman Troll, Flower Puppy, Flower Sheep, Flower Stag, Tide Dragon, Silver Fae Dragon, Spellbound Faerie, Rainbow Tower

    New Items: no new items. Special: Tide Turtle available by winning 5 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Sand Castle, Sand Watchtower, Sand Spire, Jester Chair, Fox and Geese, Boston Terrier, Butterfly Garden, Dragon Hoard, Bunny Kitten, Flower Power Carriage, Pie Cart, Lemonade Stand

    New Items: no new items. Special: the Owl available by winning 5 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Sun Mosaic (tile), Fairground Swing, Sunflowers, Butterfly Garden, Faerie Fuountain, Faerie Puppy, Sand Spire, Bird Feeder, Stack of Books, Butterfly Bush, Horse Carriage, Glimmer Griffin

    New Items: no new items.
    Re-released items: Faerie Alicorn, Faerie Griffin, Faerie Fountain, Fire Faerie Statue, Faerie Dragon, Faerie Naga, Faerie Horse, Faerie Sheep, Faerie Puppy, Faerie Kitty

    New Items: no new items. Special: the Kraken available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Baron's Art Collection, Carrier pigeon cage, Orange Cobbler cart, Dragon bones, Fairground swing, Medieval art studio, Pirate raccoon, Ruler's carriage, Ruler's gate, Treasure Hunter cat

    New Items: no new items. Special: the Spider Carriage availabe by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Pumpkin Puppy, Mummy Kitten, Witch Kitten, Vampire Puppy, Frankencore, Haunted Carriage, Haunted Carriage, Hayride, Spooky Tree, Graveyard

    New Items: no new items. Special: the Pumpkin Spice Cow available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Fall Pond, Fall Gazebo, Garden Patio Set, Autumn Wolf Pup, Beagle, Sweets Cart, Griffina, Hayride, Fire Lily, Black Tiger Kitten

    December (The Snowball Challenge - 65 days)
    New Items: Candy Cane Tuftkin, Present Skunkupine, Aspen the Snowman, Juniper the Snowoman, Snowman Garden, Ice Sculpture, Snowman, Snow Flurry. Special: the Icy Fawnicorn available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: no released items.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-12-21 at 10:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    2020 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    New Items: Snowball Challenge continues this month.
    Re-released items:

    New Items: Spellbound Princess. Special: the Pink Seal available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    Re-released items: Faerie Bride and Groom, Romantic Gazebo, Ice Cream Mountain, Sweetheart Bench, Sweetheart's Fountain, Sweetheart's Throne, Wee Carriage, Faerie Wedding Chapel, Chocolate Fountain

    March to 4 June | 3-Day Weekend Quests to throw Rosey Cabbages
    New Items for weekends with Rosy Cabbages: Red Panda, Spring Lighthouse, Seal, Baby Gnome, Spring Fountain, Spider Monkey, Skunkupining, Globe Topiary, Pile of Baby Seals
    Re-released items: Dragon Bones, Lemonade Stand, Aquamarine Watchtower, Aquamarine Spire, Aquamarine Gazebo, Gentleman Troll, Flower Puppy, Aquamarine Alicorn, Silver Fae Dragon, Cavalier Spaniel, Spellbound Faerie, Tide Dragon

    5 June - 28 August | 3-Day weekend quests to throw Ice Cream Cabbages
    New Items: Ice Cream Panda, Ice Cream Cart, Sherbet Dragon, Parasol, Mint Chip Alicorn, Pastel Penguin, Summer Picnic, Summer Swingset, Rainbow Peacock, Ice Creamcupine
    Re-released items: Sand Castle, Sand Watchtower, Sand Spire, Jester Chair, Fox and Geese, Boston Terrier, Butterfly, Garden Dragon Hoard, Bunny Kitten, Flower Power Carriage, Pie Cart, Lemonade Stand

    4 September - 3 November | throw rotton pumpkin and convert cabbage to pumpkin in the trade wagon.
    New Items: Leaf Pile Pig, Fall Uni-pig, Squirrelcupine, German Shepherd, Autumn Treeple, Fall Peacock, Fall Castle, Ladybug Faerie, White Lion, Dove Griffin, Cockatoo, Gecko. Special: the Pumpkin Dragon available by winning 4 items in the tent.

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Autumn Doe, Autumn Raccoon, Autumn Stag, Autumn Wolf Pup, Fall Gazebo, Fall Pond, Feasting Pig, Thankful Gnomes, Turkey Cow/Calf, Turkey Chicken/Chick, Turkey Sheep/Lamb, Wild Turkey

    December + snowball challenge till 5 Feb | Special: the Winter Clydesdale available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Grinchpea, Caroling Gnomes, Elf Faerie, Snowpile Dragon, Santa Troll, Snow Leopard, Snow Kitsunecorn, Snowkid, Baron Nutcracker, Holiday Garden, Holiday Castle
    Re-released items: no re-released items
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-07-21 at 05:42 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    2021 Grand Prizes

    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing): click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    5 February - 19 May
    New Items: no new items (some new to the BT previously available in events or the market only)
    Re-released items: Horse Carriage, Grey Clydesdale, Jousting Steed (new), Wisteria Carriage (new), Royal Games Castle (new), Royal Games Tent (new), Pie Cart, Cobbler Cart, Butterfly Pond (new), Koi Pond (new), Dragon Bones, Dessert Display

    20 May - 8 July | Special: the Cabbage Patch Dragon available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Garden Wheelbarrow, Vegetable Barrel, Garden Planter Box, Gardener Boy, Gardener Girl, Plowing Horse, Flower Kitsunecorn, Garden Skunkupine, Lattice Fence, Lattice Gate, Garden Fairy Statue
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items 9-22 July: Horse Carriage, Grey Clydesdale, Jousting Steed, Wisteria Carriage, Royal Games Castle, Royal Games Tent, Pie Cart, Cobbler Cart, Butterfly Pond, Koi Pond, Dragon Bones, Dessert Display
    Re-released items: 22 July - 5 October Aquamarine Gazebo, Barrister's Bakery, Fairground Swing, Fey Courthouse, Forest Maxotaur, Jolly Jester, Naga Altar, Pilot Faerie, Pink Crab, Pompadore Pig, Sand Castle, Snake Charmer

    6 October - 3 November | throw rotten pumpkin and convert cabbages to pumpkins in the trade wagon. Special: the Sugar Skull Kelpie is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Werewolf Kitsunecorn, Dancing Skeleton, Pumpkin Patch Skunkupine, Mad Scientist Pig, Skeleton Wyvern, Coffins, Spirit Butterflies, Grave Troll, Potion Table, Pile of Spellbooks, Witch's Fire
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    4 November - 1 Feb 2022 | Special: the Seamstress is available by winning 4 items in the tent
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Feasting Pig, Autumn Doe, Autumn Raccoon, Autumn Stag, Autumn Wolf Pup, Bobbing for Apples, Fall Gazebo, Wild Turkey, Thankful Gnomes, Turkey Calf, Turkey Lamb, Turkey Chick
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-30-23 at 09:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    2022 Grand Prizes
    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing):
    click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    2 February | Special: the Rosey Princess is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Cloud Troll, Cupid Kitty, Cupid Statue, Flootbeast, Narwhal, Rainbow Skunkupine, Tunnel of Love, Uni Calf, Uni Pig, Valentine Kitsunicorn, Valentine Kitty, Valentine Harp

    1 March | Special: the Sad Clown Troll is available by winning 4 items in the tent. All prizes are trolls this time.
    New Items: (some new to the BT previously available in events or the market only)
    Re-released items: Birthday Cake Surprise Troll, Gnome Kaz, Kissing Troll, Plushie Troll, Santa Troll, Shipwrecked Troll, Troll Chef, Troll Dummy, Troll Gate, Troll Thief, Party Troll, Wigged Out Troll

    6 June | Special: the Sunbathing Mermaid is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Angerfish Troll, Baby Sea Horse, Fools Chest, Merfolk Warrior, Pirate Lass, Pirate Racoon, Sea Horse, Siren, Tell No Tales, Glimmer Pearl, Wrecked Dinghy, Skeleton Pirate

    3 August | Special: the Fanning Dragon is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Basket of Pups, Beaver Scout, Cockatweeter, Gopher, Outdoor Picnic Table, Roasting Gnome, Sandy Lantern, Splashy Pig, Summer Tent, Tree Swing, Wooded Stage, Woodland Faerie
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    6 December | Special: the Snowy Witch is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Baby Penguins, Holiday Wyvern, Winter Faerie, Holiday Witch, Holiday Turtle, Winter Penguin, Winter Reindeer, Sweater Kitty, Faerie Snowglobe, Snowy Lighthouse, Tree Farm, Frozen Pond
    Re-released items: no re-released items
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-30-23 at 09:20 PM.

  10. #10
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    2023 Grand Prizes
    For individual drops, please refer to either:
    1. the Inventory Guide (A-Z listing):
    click here!
    2. click on the name of the month below to take you to the Discussion thread. Post 1 of each thread has an inventory entry.

    Spoiler: show

    5 January | Special: the Winter Centaur is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Cozy Holiday Sheep, Gentleman Troll, Ice Wolf, Cheery Snowman, Wyvern Hatchling (removed part way) and replaced by the Pearlescent Wyvern, Snow Castle, Yeti, Harvey, Winter Mink, Arctic Bear, Arctic Fox, Neva II (new version with different drops than the original)

    31 January | Special: the Sweetheart Fawnicorn is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Romantic Fawnicorn, Cupid Glimmergolem, Romantic Siren, Romantic Kelpie, Bride Gnome, Groom Gnome, Romantic Dragon, Romantic Cove, Romantic Castle, Romantic Carriage, Serenading Babies, Romantic Candles
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    5 April | Special: the Butterfly Faerie is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Bundle of Balloons, Butterfly Bench, Merry-go-round, Outdoor Bake Sale, Rose Palisade, Tree with Bird's Nest, Jinx the Kitty, Peaches the Kitty, Teddy the Pup, Ziggs the Pup, Emma the Royal Poodle, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle

    9 May | Special: the Hydrangea Hydra is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Faerie Cat, Faerie Dog, Faerie fireworks case, Faerie Horse, Faerie Sheep, Festive Sprig, Gnome Greselda, Gnome Ivy, Gnome Kaz, Gnome Thomas, Gnome Sabina, Gnome Thurston

    13 June | Special: the Sunbathing Kelpie is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: Kelpie Pond, Mermaid Gnome, Mermaid Kelpie, Orcamaid, Sandy Turtle, Siren Faerie, Summer Octomaid, Summer Octopus, Swimming Gnome, Beach Gnome Home, Kelpie Topiary, Mermaid Kelpie Statue
    Re-released items: no re-released items

    15 August | Special: the Draconic Alicorn is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Dragon Hoard, Armored Fire Dragon, Armored Ice Dragon, Royal Naga, Fox Pup, Lion Cub, Tiger Kitten, Wolf Pup, Knight in Shining Armor, Faerie Dragon, Celestial Stag, Fire Fox

    3 October | Special: the Graveyard Keeper is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Dearly Departed Dancers, Ghost Alicorn, Friendly Ghost, Ghostly Butterflies, Ghostly Jester, Wistful Ghost, Ghost Dragon, Ghost Knight, Ghostly Grave (deco), Ghost Bench (deco), Fresh Grave (deco), Vampire Tomb

    1 November | Special: the Giant Turkey is available by winning 4 items in the tent.
    New Items: no new items
    Re-released items: Stuffed Fangbeast, Stuffed Fangpup, Harvest Pile, Harvest Wagon, Chocolate Highland Piglet who grows into the Chocolate Highland Pig, Chubby Knight, Highland Piglet who grows into the Highland Hog, Knight Squad, Bobbing For Apples, Harvest Donkey, Holiday Baker
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-11-24 at 07:19 PM.

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