(Mathoms, from The Lord of the Rings: things owned by hobbits, which they have no use for. They did not throw it away, instead were gifting each other.)

I wonder what type and how many "mathoms" do you have in Castle Story?

My definition for mathoms in Castle Story: Things, that:
- are (really) rare drops
- have no use*
- are still achievable**

* "Have no use" means that they are drops which never had any use in CS (such as Purple Hides), or were used in some quests (like boar pelt), but after quest completed, you can not use it anymore, just collecting.
This also means, that drops still in use (such as Golden Apples, which are really rare, but you can still use in a trade for gems) are not mathoms.

** "Are still achievable" means that you can still get/find them, so I exclude from mathoms things you cannot have more (such as items you can craft during special quest, but not after quests, or drops you can find until special period/quest, but not after it - for example pyre crystals).

Here is my current list:

With some thoughts:
- not sure large diamond still drops from mines, it may be excluded from mathoms
- I completed sister sister, the 20 inscriptions are pluses
- I can not remember where and how I got super yummi pies, and are they still achiveable