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Thread: Remove 2012 Holiday Content

  1. #241
    What annoys me is I lost (actually someone stole it on Christmas eve) my phone for a week and lost ALL of the work I put in before christmas and with that lost the opportunity to get the ovens I wanted before they were removed... and also didnt get to finish the christmas goals...
    Last edited by FrozenTurtle; 01-23-13 at 05:33 PM. Reason: language

  2. #242
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by aliera99 View Post
    Except for you know, new players. And also most people who play this game casually. It's daunting enough to play through all the limited time goals that require 40 of everything, and then you have to worry about all these recipes and appliances you haven't gotten to try yet disappearing before you get to them. When I started playing I added tons of neighbors who were also starting out. Most of them quit around level 20. I get making decor items limited edition and all, but the recipes? there shouldn't be a time limit so people can play as much or as little as they want, when they want it. I think the only way pulling them makes sense is if they plan to re-release them again later.
    Hi. Just to clarify, I was writing in regards to new players, on the basis that my bakery, though its old, still maintains its equilibrium on new recipes using just 1 - 4 specialty appliances at a go.

    I meant that every player can, from the time THEY begin the game, cook the recipes as they roll out and successfully master new recipes with the same opportunity as everyone else. If they add all the original recipes to their list, then the bakery becomes challenging. If you then add all the recipes that have been added over time and not removed I believe the goal of having and baking everything becomes impossible. It's impossible because new content is added every week. No one could bake every recipe unless they were playing from the first year. This not a bad thing! Because a player starting today could never catch up, which is frustrating, they sort out "seasonal" recipes and replace them with new recipes. No one is "losing" opportunities to earn gems, and the new player still has so much more cool content to be in with.

    I hope this clears up my point.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Dabag View Post

    Appliances REMOVED as of Jan. 08/09. 2013

    Checked the - Regular Version of BAKERY STORY
    No longer available for purchase

    Fireplace Oven - Released Dec.2011
    Strictly for style - same recipes as regular oven - not popular

    Truffle Maker - Released Jan.20.2012 - Valentines - 2 recipes
    Fruit Chocolate Dip - Released Jan.20.2012 - Valentines - 2 recipes

    Turkey Oven - Released Nov.13.2012 - 3 recipes

    Coffin Drink Machine - Released Sept.27.2012 - 3 recipes

    World Games Oven - Released Aug.05.2012 - World Games - 3 recipes
    Healthy Sweets Machine - Released Aug.05.2012 - World Games - 3 recipes

    Candy Cane Maker - Released Dec.09. 2011-Christmas - 2 goal recipes
    Re-Released Feb.02.2012 - 2 recipes

    Marzipan Oven - Released Dec.09. 2011 -Christmas - 1 recipe

    Emerald Oven - Released Mar.15.2012 - St.Patricks - 3 recipes

    Witches Cauldron- Released Sept.28.2012 - Halloween - 3 recipes

    Winter Wonder Oven - Released Dec.11.2012 - 3 recipes

    Dehydrator - Released Jan.13.2012 - 1 recipe

    Sugar Coater - Released - Jan.13.2012 - 1 recipe

    Candy Hatchery - Released Apr.05.2012 - Easter -4 recipes

    Santas Oven - Released. Dec.27.2012
    As someone who purchased a lot of ovens (sometimes up to 10) because I liked the recipes and wanted to cook them at the proper season, I am outraged. What's next, out table's and wallpaper disappearing out of our bakeries? I made more truffle makers and chocolate dippers to make the valentines recipies this year, and very disappointed.

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by lizzygee23 View Post
    Especially considering they said they were pulling holiday items from 2012 but they pulled things like the valentines cookies and egg nog which have been in the game since 2010!! What they have done is so wrong. I haven't mastered recipes like that yet cause I figured they would be there forever like they had been. There is not a stitch of enjoyment left in these games as of right now. They need to rectify this monumental mistake ASAP!
    I second this.

  5. #245
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    not a stitch of enjoyment is precisely what they need to sell their lousy new gemstuff

  6. #246
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Supreme Dynasty = Gamerologizm
    was toad in a hole removed?
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart Mostly updated (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me; but still update when I can when I'm not scrambling with RS & BS to complete their goals.)
    Restaurant & Bakery Completely Updated!
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  7. #247
    Executive Chef
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    Dec 2011
    Huntington Beach, CA
    I don't understand why if we master something they still can take it away...make up your minds please! For example... in restaurant story the turtle soup is gone... but excuse me i had that one mastered ages ago...but it's gone. so is the chocolate milk. Yet BS just brough back the love muffins and oooo looks like i had the mastered at level 4 too. so why did it ever disppear in the first place? this just confused me and makes me angry sorry if others don't agree but you can't change my mind about the situation, It stinks!!!

  8. #248
    Executive Chef
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    Dec 2011
    Huntington Beach, CA
    *coco cream muffins

  9. #249
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    why some of the xmas recipes (e.g. Holiday Waffles) stays at iOS but disappear in the Android platform? Are those recipes being removed as well?

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