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Thread: Remove 2012 Holiday Content

  1. #201
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2012
    Everything you're saying is valid. They still LIED and should have made their intentions clear. It's the same thing as Macy's saying "All winter jackets only on sale until next week" and then they wipe out all the Jackets, kitchen appliances, bedding, sports equipment and shoes. Makes NO sense and is false advertising. "Removing holiday content" is all they said and after NUMEROUS posters asked for clarification, we were ignored. Last I checked the Olympics weren't a holiday.
    Actually Macy's does exactly that! The store constantly turns over inventory whether they are advertising or not.

    I agree that it was a huge mistake for it to be said that mastered items would be kept. They've never been kept before, and with a mistake that big, TL usually awards affected or all current players with either gems or gem content, so that's something to be expecting.

    On a side note, when it first came out I assumed the Olympic content would be chopped, before halloween. And certainly faster than annual holiday decor. I baked my little butt off to master the recipes. As a result, I didn't master all the beach content. Goes to show we all have a different picture.

    I too wonder at the reasoning behind not giving us a list. I too baked an awful lot of autumn cakes when I could have been spending those coins on decor that is now gone. I did get it over with, though. And got another gem for buying a gingerbread table with.

  2. #202
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    The Olympics may not be a holiday but many would consider it is. The Oympics is every four years so that makes it seasonal. Why would people assume the Olympics content would stay?
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  3. #203
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jul 2012
    TL must have been laughing their heads off seeing people scrambling to master the WRONG dishes, because they didn't give us a list. I tried my hardest to master the Xmas and autumn dishes, and they are still here, while other dishes that I hadn't mastered have dissappeared. They were asked again and again for a list of recipes and appliances that were going, and they refused to do so, only giving vague answers. These are really underhanded tactics from TL, and because of this I have decided that I won't be buying gems from them again.

  4. #204
    Farm Supplier
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    Aug 2012
    I'm so glad I bought so many truffle chairs because I can't seem to find it. I assumed that as it was a goal decor they wouldn't take it away.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by lotusthreads View Post
    I have decided that I won't be buying gems from them again.
    I'm glad for you, I think you've made a good choice. And this isn't against you but...

    It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if everyone on this forum stops buying gems. I know a lot of you spend a lot of money on gems, but your not what keeps them in business.

    The real money is in the new players. And they don't come to the forum. The only warning the new players have is the rating in the app store.

  6. #206
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cast1532 View Post
    The Olympics may not be a holiday but many would consider it is. The Oympics is every four years so that makes it seasonal. Why would people assume the Olympics content would stay?
    You wrote down your answer already. Olympic is seasonal NOT holiday. TL said 'Remove Holiday' in pop up message, NOT 'Holiday & Seasonal' I wonder who would consider Olympic as a holiday? Do they get Stat pay from their employers if they take a day off during Olympic game? guess not, eh?!? (^_^)

  7. #207
    Farm Supplier
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    Oct 2012
    In the Candy Cane Maker today is available only the Candy Cane Cake. The candy cane receipt is removed.
    I'm furious. It is there from the start, I do it each day from the 2011.

  8. #208
    Executive Chef
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Candylilly View Post
    Why did they remove the pink sparkle tile? Is that even a holiday item? I was going to buy some..
    I just replaced one of my sparkling pink tiles and instead of showing up in my inventory, it disappeared entirely! WTH. That's a gem tile! I want it back. So if I ever want to move my tiles around they'll disappear instead?

  9. #209
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by D780 View Post
    You wrote down your answer already. Olympic is seasonal NOT holiday. TL said 'Remove Holiday' in pop up message, NOT 'Holiday & Seasonal' I wonder who would consider Olympic as a holiday? Do they get Stat pay from their employers if they take a day off during Olympic game? guess not, eh?!? (^_^)
    Okay. How about this; The Olympics is not an everyday thing so that's why it was removed. But when they said ALL the holiday content was going removed I figure the Olympics would go away. Have you notice (I might be wrong) that when ever there's a new version of the game all the items will go away. The world games was a different version so was the Christmas version which the items were taken away.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  10. #210
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rosewaterlily View Post
    I just replaced one of my sparkling pink tiles and instead of showing up in my inventory, it disappeared entirely! WTH. That's a gem tile! I want it back. So if I ever want to move my tiles around they'll disappear instead?
    Go to a different tab then go back to the floor tab it will be there. This always happens when I store my reindeers but when I go to a different tab then go back it's there.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

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