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Thread: Remove 2012 Holiday Content

  1. #181
    New Resident
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    Dec 2012
    I'm just sad that the recipes are gone ... decorations I understand, but recipes?! In certain online games, we were always able to keep mastered or unlocked recipes even if the theme content was removed, and in certain other games we used to be awarded mastery signs .... but no such thing in RS or BS ... maybe some photo frames for our walls to display pictures of mastered recipes would be a good idea!

  2. #182
    New Resident
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    Dec 2012
    I just downloaded the Christmas edition, and I do find Peppermint mocha is still there in the recipe book!

  3. #183
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2013
    So pool pie, gymnastic cake, podium cake, sticky cake, valentine cookies, egg tarts, sweet bean cake, mummy cupcake, fortune cookie, Peking dust, and white spiced coffee on mixer... Gotta say, I guessed a few of those, but some I never would have thought! At least most of it was long order time stuff that wouldn't have been possible to master unless you were close.

  4. #184
    Executive Chef
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sapphirecross View Post
    So pool pie, gymnastic cake, podium cake, sticky cake, valentine cookies, egg tarts, sweet bean cake, mummy cupcake, fortune cookie, Peking dust, and white spiced coffee on mixer... Gotta say, I guessed a few of those, but some I never would have thought! At least most of it was long order time stuff that wouldn't have been possible to master unless you were close.
    I got all the Chinese New Year and Olympic stuff to level 2 the last couple of days for the gems. I didn't guess that white spiced coffee would be removed, but I got the level 2 gem on that already. Glad I picked egg tarts to master over autumn cake yesterday because I only had time to choose one to master to level 2 and autumn cake is still in the cookbook. Upset about the Valentine's cookie removal though--that's not a 2012 recipe, and it's one of the few that earns more than 4 coins a plate!

  5. #185
    Farm Supplier
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    Quote Originally Posted by sapphirecross View Post
    So pool pie, gymnastic cake, podium cake, sticky cake, valentine cookies, egg tarts, sweet bean cake, mummy cupcake, fortune cookie, Peking dust, and white spiced coffee on mixer... Gotta say, I guessed a few of those, but some I never would have thought! At least most of it was long order time stuff that wouldn't have been possible to master unless you were close.
    Don't forget the love muffins and molton lava cake.

  6. #186
    Farm Supplier
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    Aug 2012
    I am SO beyond angry at TL for this HUGE BOTCH job!

    ONE big technical complaint... now all of a sudden, after this "removal update", if I go to put out multiples of the same appliance... say the new Winter Oven in BS (or any appliance you can't buy anymore of)... Now, every time I place each oven, the screen reverts back to the FIRST page! UGH!! Takes FOREVER to scroll to the last page for EVERY oven! It used to stick on the page you were on!! What a screwup! WHY did you do this??? It's a MAJOR PAIN!!

    As for the recipes... what a joke!
    Here's what is missing for me... some I understand removal (holiday/seasonal), many I don't get at ALL!! A lot more than some people have listed or talked about it seems to me.

    In RS: Scotch Eggs, Morning Cheer, Lucky Breakfast, The Crepe Escape, Corned Beef Hash, Egg Salad Sandwich, Gnocci, Pudding With Currants, Toad In A Hole, Eyeball Stew, Pumpkin Porridge, Witch Soup, Turtle Soup, Glazed Turkey, Candy Corn Pizza, Mummy Pizza, Golden Onion Rings, French Fries, Roasted Goose, Cauliflower Casserole, Gingerbread House, Christmas Pear Torte, Piping Hot Cocoa, Chocolate Milk.

    Also the locked goals are gone: Eggs In a Basket, Lovely Pancakes, Stuffing, Artichoke Hearts, Holiday Ham, Prime Rib, Fruitcake, Chocolate Pretzels.

    In BS: Red Velvet Cookies, Chocolate Cherry Trifle, Pool Pie, Gymnastic Cake, Sticky Cake, Valentine Cookies, Egg Tarts, Sweet Bean Cake, Fortune Cookies, Peking Dust, PB Chocolate Cake, Brawny Muffin, Cherry Muffin, Holiday Waffles, Instant Pudding, Heart Toast, Well-Done Toast, White Spiced Coffee, Peppermint Mocha.

    Locked goals gone: Love Muffins, Yule Log, Holiday Cupcake, Gingerbread Cake, Molten Lava Cake, Podium Cake, Mince Pie... (but they LEFT the Cranberry Cider locked goal... why?)

    I have highlighted the ones I am totally baffled by... they don't appear to be holiday/seasonal at ALL and I don't think they SHOULD have been removed. A few others I didn't highlight are questionable, they could be holiday but could also be year round. I also don't understand Valentine Cookies... haven't those been around since forever?? And angry cuz they were one of the few 8-coin per plate recipes. And what about taking Red Velvet cookies when they are part of a current goal with still LOTS of time left on the goal... DUH!! Screwup maybe?? Someone wasn't thinking when they planned that goal obviously!
    Also confused that they left Autumn Cookies, Autumn Cake & Autumn Cheesecake. Also Gingerbread Cookies which appear to have Xmas Holly on the plates... they are more holiday related than HALF of what they took away, yet I still have them! No common sense to lots of these... totally random!

    And that's just for these 2 games... I'm sure they screwed up a lot in their other games as well!

    I'm also angry that they LIED to so many people, saying mastered recipes would remain in game... we lost them... mastered or not!

    I already had the recent Halloween, recent Autumn & recent Xmas stuff mastered luckily... I never in a million years would have imagined the need to master most of these other odd non-holiday items. That is why they SHOULD have given us a list and 30-days and why I didn't attempt this, cuz I couldn't have guessed at what they were taking! If someone bet me which items, I would have lost... many make NO sense!

    Not counting the locked goal items that some people may have unlocked but not mastered yet, this is what I count.
    24 unlocked recipes taken from RS, I had mastered 15 of them luckily... so 9 I didn't get to master.
    19 unlocked recipes taken from BS, I had mastered 9 of them... so 10 I didn't get to master.
    So TL took the opportunity from me to earn 38 gems in essence. Had they given us a list, I would have been able to get to SOME of them at least, if not many or all if I had a list & TIME. But I couldn't possibly have guessed at most of these. I would have tried gingerbread cookies far before most of the ones they took! Random thoughtlessness!! Ridiculous way to run a customer-oriented business!

    Personally I find it reprehensible, deplorable and some of the WORST customer service EVER, that they choose to do business this way. A couple months ago, I purchased some gems in RS... that won't happen again if they keep this up, because they have made it clear they do NOT CARE one bit about their players, spenders or not... otherwise they would have responded to people, posted a list and given us more TIME. They did NONE of that, and in doing so proving they don't care at ALL about their players. They figure they have plenty who will still buy gems, so who cares about a few hundred angry players (or even a few thousand really...)... but that's a HORRIBLE way to do business, and many companies that behave that way go out of business... sadly in this industry, too many people don't come online or learn about these terrible practices, so they won't know... and a few simply don't care about the terrible treatment. So TL will sadly get away with it time & time again. But they won't get anymore of my money unless they FIX some of their greedy & poor service issues!

    Shame on TL for the way they handled this... in reality MIS-handled this situation!

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New york
    Wow that's a lot of recipes

    I only have one thing to say.... Give us back our earned recipes that we got from goals
    We earned... Since when do you loose something you earned

  8. #188
    The Honorable Panda
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    S8 FORUM
    Quote Originally Posted by rosewaterlily View Post
    The Valentine cookies seem to be gone from my game even though it's not from 2012. :-/
    Red velvet cookies are still under the regular oven on the christmas game for IOS.
    They are not on the regular bakery game(for IOS)
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  9. #189
    Executive Chef
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    I would quote you jessenv1313 but your post is huge.

    For your RS complaint, I'm playing on the Xmas version of the game and still have my fries, onion rings,and cauli casserole. But I can understand why they disappeared, because they're ridiculously considered a holiday item just because they were used in a holiday goal. I can't understand why gnocchi, egg salad sandwich, corned beef hash and scotch eggs would be gone. I would ask someone on the staff to explain why but that would be a waste.

    As for your BS recipes missing a lot of the ones you bolded are from Chinese NY last year, which is why they are considered a holiday recipe.

    As for Red Velvet cookies I'm hoping it's an error on their part and not a device meant to force people to spend gems just to skip that part of the goal.

    I play Fashion Story and a catalog we just got December 27th was deleted, which angers a whole lot of people because that would be IMPOSSIBLE to master by January 7th.

    And I can't believe they lied to us either. And here's the proof for anyone who never saw the message:

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenTurtle View Post
    Any seasonal recipes from a regular (non-seasonal) appliance will be removed unless you have mastered it. If you want to keep these recipes, be sure to master it before the deadline. Any seasonal recipes on seasonal appliances which you have previously purchased or any seasonal recipes which you had to unlock will remain in your game.
    Not only is the part about mastered recipes staying false, but so is the part about seasonal appliances you already own, according to another thread about the candycane oven:

    Why say you're going to do something and do the complete opposite? We don't really ask much from TL staff (unless the asking of ongoing bugs is considered too much) so why can't you just be upfront and honest?

  10. #190
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Do u know if they will b getting rid of the Halloween food?

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