Quote Originally Posted by mrsbutch630 View Post
No, why dont you consult players for the games or listen to our concerns. This post orginally started in january and you have done nothing, but put gems on sale, to address the main issue. Team Lava fix the problem. Make alternative ways of purchasing the gem only animals or give us more ways to earn gems. The players of this game are clearly not happy. Give us some love, as we do with our pets, allow the players to earn gems and not have to purchase them.
Wow the last time I was @ this form was I think in April, I was actually hoping to see some love by now also when it comes to either buying gems or not being able to complete my goals. What's really interesting though is that they have since then designed at least three new games. I don't know about everyone else but I prefer playing the games that allow advancement without having to pay real money for fake pets on a FREE GAME!