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Thread: Retiring Outfits

  1. #1

    Question Retiring Outfits

    I've only been playing a few months. Can anyone tell me how they go about retiring outfits. Like when seasons change. Do they give notice or do they just disappear out of our catalogs?? I've noticed people have items in there stores from Christmas & Halloween. But they have them sectioned off I guess so they can't be bought. Is that right? Do holiday themed clothes go away after awhile?

  2. #2
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    Sometimes you will get an announcement that says something like "Chrismas holiday season items will be available until the end of January", but there's no clear indicators of which items are in this batch. This will usually cover both displays and outfit catalogs. I've been playing since early days but still can't pick them out. I will always try to master any catalog that looks remotely related to a holiday.

    More recently I saw that they would put out an announcement that the special items for the year would be going limited. This sort of cleans up the items from some of the smaller annual events. Key holiday seasons seem to be Halloween, Christmas and Valentines day. Others seem to be harder to predict. I thought St Paddy's, Fourth of July and April Fools ones were limited but they've been here for a while now. It's very inconsistent.
    Last edited by JustKay; 08-03-14 at 02:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Fashion Designer
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by JustKay View Post
    Sometimes you will get an announcement that says something like "Chrismas holiday season items will be available until the end of January", but there's no clear indicators of which items are in this batch. This will usually cover both displays and outfit catalogs. I've been playing since early days but still can't pick them out. I will always try to master any catalog that looks remotely related to a holiday.

    More recently I saw that they would put out an announcement that the special items for the year would be going limited. This sort of cleans up the items from some of the smaller annual events. Key holiday seasons seem to be Halloween, Christmas and Valentines day. Others seem to be harder to predict. I thought St Paddy's, Fourth of July and April Fools ones were limited but they've been here for a while now. It's very inconsistent.
    Exactly. Why is the 4th of July outfit from last year still around? On the other hand, the New Year's Eve outfit seemed as if it were removed within weeks. I just don't get their logic.

  4. #4
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    That element of uncertainty does make me a bit nervous so I play more seriously to try to master the catalog. Personally, I think maybe TL are not so serious about FS anymore to keep to a strict schedule. It's great that they are still releasing great updates quite regularly but this forum does seem to be less active compared to the other games. I also see so many neighbours disappearing, it's a bit worrying since I love my boutiques and don't want FS to be discontinued.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JustKay View Post
    That element of uncertainty does make me a bit nervous so I play more seriously to try to master the catalog. Personally, I think maybe TL are not so serious about FS anymore to keep to a strict schedule. It's great that they are still releasing great updates quite regularly but this forum does seem to be less active compared to the other games. I also see so many neighbours disappearing, it's a bit worrying since I love my boutiques and don't want FS to be discontinued.
    That's scary!! Maybe they are working on Fasion Story 2??? It seems like they do that with their games. So we can only hope?? I really like this game. It's one of my favorites. I really hope they wouldn't just get rid of it. Has team lava had games before that they ended??

  6. #6
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    There's no solid proof yet, but FS was so popular for a while that I'm surprised they've rested on their laurels for so long. That said I don't want them to have a reason to discontinue FS. FS was the first TL game that I played and still probably my favourite for it's creativity options. All the others I play you're just randomly earning things and everyone ends up with the same stuff eventually and their place sort of looks pretty much like most other neighbours.

    I know they've discontinued a few games in the past. Monster Story being the most prominent for me. They had a good reason though, since it was pretty much Dragon Story with different graphics and they couldn't update it more than once a month at the time. The fact that they're still regularly adding content to FS is a good sign so I'm not worrying yet

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2012
    I see a lot of u saying u will try to master a catalogue, but just so u know, mastering a catalogue does not mean it cant be taken away. If they pull the outfit, u still lose it even if you "mastered" it. That said, i've always liked the idea of if u master it u should be able to keep it forever,.....maybe some day.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    I know this well enough I master these limited catalogs as fast as I can so I can get the eight gems out of them before they get taken away! I bought maybe $100's worth of gems a long long time ago and since then haven't needed to.

    However I do wish that mastering a catalog meant we could keep it, although in theory that would make no sense since you'd be busy trying to master the other catalogs you haven't mastered so you wouldn't be ordering items from the completed ones! In fact, I almost wish some of my completed catalogs would archive so I could more quickly flick to the unfinished catalogs I need to work on...

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2013
    However I do wish that mastering a catalog meant we could keep it, although in theory that would make no sense since you'd be busy trying to master the other catalogs you haven't mastered so you wouldn't be ordering items from the completed ones!
    Not necessarily. Not everyone masters catalogues for the sake of mastering them. I have some that I've mastered, but I'm never too busy to order the ones I've mastered, because I'm never trying to master any of them.

  10. #10
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    True, everyone play a bit different. Either way I think most people would rather keep catalogs available. I don't really understand what benefit TL get out of basically cutting content from the game.

    In other new, I came up with a theory of why some seemingly event related are not taken off while others are. Maybe some of the content is linked to goals and so due to some limitation of the game they can't be safely taken off.

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