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Thread: Battle Tournament: Hare Dragon 3/8/24

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA

    Battle Tournament: Hare Dragon 3/8/24

    Hello Neighbors,

    Welcome to the second tournament of Mythic March (The Tournament ends on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time). The tournament boss is the Hare Dragon (weird for the month of March and weird for it to have mythic as a main element but I guess Easter being this month may be part of the reasoning). Win 30 rounds and this dragon can be in your storage. I listed the number of Legendary Grails (in parenthesis) that can be won with each round. Legendary Grails can lead to the ultra rare Amaterasu Dragon - the monthly dragon.

    Here are the opponents:

    Hare Tournament (Legendary Grail numbers are in parenthesis):

    1. Chromatide 3 (rainbow, green, purple) (common) (1)
    2. Pearlhorn 4 (fairytale, white, purple) (super rare) (1)
    3. Ruckus 5 (dino, blue) (super rare) (1)
    4. Frozen 6 (black, blue) (rare) (1)
    5. Lacquered 7 (fey, red) (common) (1)
    6. Anno Hero 8 (champion, black, yellow) (super rare) (2)
    7. Inspirational 9 (flower, pink, purple) (rare) (2)
    8. Gleaming 10 (shine, yellow, white) (rare) (3)
    9. Old Hermit 11 (mystic, blue) (super rare) (4)
    10. Mithril 12 (champion, blue) (super rare) (6)
    11. Brazilian13 (world, purple, red) (ultra rare) (7)
    12. Focal 14 (beast, pink) (common) (9)
    13. Soulstep 15 (world, white, red) (super rare) (12)
    14. Razorback 16 (champion) (super rare) (15)
    15. Coldlove 17 (heart, blue, white) (super rare) (18)
    16. Preppy 18 (heart, pink) (ultra rare) (22)
    17. Corrupt Stalwart 19 (dark, champion) (super rare) (27)
    18. Rattle 20 (spooky, pink) (ultra rare) (32)
    19. Eridanus 16 (cosmic, black) (ultra rare) (44)
    20. Arch Elemental 17 (elemental, white) (rare) (37)
    21. World 17 (mystic, champion, blue) (ultra rare) (51)
    22. Arch Beast 17 (beast, purple) (super rare) (59)
    23. Neo Gemini 18 (zodiac, yellow) (ultra rare) (68)
    24. Malachite 18 (stone, green) (super rare) (77)
    25. Dusk 18 (white, purple, yellow) (rare) (88)
    26. Lunar Hero 17 (champion, world, red) (super rare) (99)
    27. Dread Captain 19 (champ, pink, blue) (ultra rare) (111)
    28. Terra 19 (elemental, green) (super rare) (125)
    29. Chariot 20 (champion) (super rare) (139)
    30. Hare 20 (mythic, fairytale, pink) (super rare) (155) (Hare Dragon egg in storage)

    For the battles, I found a bit of a guide.

    Enemy Type

    Red use: Yellow, Blue, Stone
    avoid: Green, Dino, Zodiac

    Green use: Red, Mythic, Dino, Gemstone
    avoid: Purple, Black, Stone

    Yellow use: Pink, Black, Cosmic, Zodiac
    avoid: Red, Blue, Gold

    Blue use: Yellow, Purple, Rainbow, Gemstone
    avoid: Red, White, Stone

    Purple use: Green, Pink, Gold, Zodiac
    avoid: Blue, White, Cosmic

    White use: Blue, Purple, Stone, Rainbow
    avoid: Black, Mythic, Cosmic

    Pink use: Black, Gold, Fairytale, Gemstone
    avoid: Yellow, Purple, Mythic

    Black use: Green, White, Cosmic, Rainbow
    avoid: Yellow, Pink, Fairytale, Gemstone

    Diamond use: Diamond
    avoid: Gold, Gemstone

    Mythic use: White, Pink, Fairytale, Dino
    avoid: Green, Rainbow, Zodiac

    Cosmic use: Purple, White
    avoid: Yellow, Black, Fairytale, Zodiac

    Gold use: Yellow, Diamond
    avoid: Purple, Pink, Rainbow

    Fairytale use: Black, Cosmic, Zodiac
    avoid: Pink, Mythic, Rainbow

    Stone use: Green, Blue
    avoid: Red, White, Dino

    Dino use: Red, Stone
    avoid: Green, Cosmic, Gemstone

    Rainbow use: Mythic, Gold, Fairytale
    avoid: Blue, White, Black

    Gemstone use: Diamond, Black, Dino
    avoid: Green, Blue, Pink

    Zodiac use: Red, Mythic, Cosmic
    avoid: Yellow, Purple, Fairytale

    Royal use: White, Pink, Gold, Gemstone
    avoid: Green, Purple, Black, Stone, Fairytale, Pyramid (Egypt)

    Tropic use: Mythic, Fairytale, Rainbow
    avoid: Red, Stone, Dino

    Spooky use: Pink, Black, Cosmic
    avoid: blue, red

    Champions are very tricky. The go to dragons for most players are as follows, The ADDMIP Dragons of Achilles, Diamond, Dark, Metal, Infinity and Passion. Different dragons work on champions on different islands so don't think you're just limited to the ADDMIP dragons when facing a champion type.

    For how long the tournaments are available:
    If the tournament starts on a Friday and it's a normal 30 round tourney, it ends Wednesday at 11:59pm Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
    If the tournament starts on a Tuesday and it's a normal 30 round tourney, it ends Sunday at 11:59pm Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
    Flash tournaments (24 rounds) usually last 4 days.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA
    My Results: (Anyone notice a pattern? Lol)

    1. Chromatide 3 - Lovepup 14
    2. Pearlhorn 4 - Coldlove 14
    3. Ruckus 5 - Bold 14
    4. Frozen 6 - Smitten 15 [lost with Doting 14]
    5. Lacquered 7 - Lost Love 14
    6. Anno Hero 8 - Gentleman 12
    7. Inspirational 9 - Euphoria 14
    8. Gleaming 10 - Hopeless 12
    9. Old Hermit 11 - Tender 12
    10. Mithril 12 - Passion 10 (glad I kept my extra Passion Dragon)

    11. Brazilian 13 - Confident 10
    12. Focal 14 - Emotion 10
    13. Soulstep 15 - Blitz 12
    14. Razorback 16 - Passion 10
    15. Coldlove 17 - Coldlove 14
    16. Preppy 18 - Beloved 9
    17. Corrupt Stalwart 19 - Passion 15 (Come on S8, let us have the corrupt dragons, especially this one and Corrupt Vinecrawler)
    18. Rattle 20 - Craft 10
    19. Eridanus 16 - Plan 12
    20. Arch Elemental 17 - Amber Soul 12

    (I see a lot of "love" in the dragons I picked, lol)

    21. World 17 - Passion 15
    22. Arch Beast 17 - Ringbearer 12
    23. Neo Gemini 18 - Passion 15 [Lost with Intimate 7 and Affection 10]
    24. Malachite 18 - Romantic 12
    25. Dusk 18 - Smitten 15 [Lost with Heartshine 14]
    26. Lunar Hero 19 - Passion 15
    27. Dread Captain 19 - Dualove 12

    28. Terra 19 - Amber Soul 12
    29. Chariot 20 - Passion 15
    30. Hare 20 - Gentleman 12

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