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Thread: Castle Story 2/22: Tales of Verona | event information on page 1

  1. #11
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2016
    Virginia, USA
    In Goal 5, we need to gather Seals of Verona by defeating Tybalt. The Defy the Stars side Goal has as one of its parts to defeat Tybalt. It states that "(This foe is hiding 'round the cows!)." I have been collecting from all my cows many times, and have never spawned Tybalt. I had to use the Tybalt Trap awarded at the end of Goal 4 to complete this side Goal. SpiritWind, could you please look into this? There must be a glitch here. Thank you very much!
    Last edited by Stymie52; 02-22-24 at 06:25 PM.

  2. #12
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Have triggered the goal "Defy the Stars' to fight Tybalt.
    Supposed to be hanging around the cows, have cleared my large herd twice and no sign of him.

    Anyone else with this issue or am I looking in the wrong place?

  3. #13
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Not quite up to this bit yet. What kinds of cows did you try? Could it be ponds?

  4. #14
    Executive Chef
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    Jun 2016
    Rocky Mountains USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    In Goal 5, we need to gather Seals of Verona by defeating Tybalt. The Defy the Stars side Goal has as one of its parts to defeat Tybalt. It states that "(This foe is hiding 'round the cows!). I have been collecting from all my cows many times, and have never spawned Tybalt. I had to use the Tybalt Trap awarded at the end of Goal 4 to complete this side Goal. SpiritWind, could you please look into this? There must be a glitch here. Thank you very much!
    Maybe post this in the Bugs thread, I find that staff respond quickly.

    I just put in a ticket on another issue; I just had a silent rollback, and chopping the Pink tree gave Zero drops. Collecting from all 25 red mishroom circles gave zero drops. I had just done these before the rollback, and could have sworn there were some drops. Re-doing everything after the rollback gave nothing!

    So far I have gotten 1 drop from 4 collections of the Troll Camp across my 4 accounts FYI.

    Edit: whatever this glitch was, it seems to be gone, yay!

    Second Troll Camp collection on 3 accounts gave a drop. One account had a rollback after the 1 drop I got, and the craft I had started with it rolled back also oh well now all accounts are even.
    Last edited by SofiaDeo; 02-22-24 at 08:22 PM.
    Plz add: SofiaDeo, pinkpresence (Pinks Place), impyLou (Queen Impylou), aaerie (Aaerie)
    Plz ask all 4 or none, thx

  5. #15
    Fashion Designer
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    Feb 2014
    I didn't get a drop from my troll camp. Wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to wait six hours now, to move forward.

  6. #16
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Not quite up to this bit yet. What kinds of cows did you try? Could it be ponds?
    Tried all types of cows, and tried ponds too. I just put this in the Bugs thread. Thanks, SpiritWind for your quick response!
    Last edited by Stymie52; 02-23-24 at 12:39 AM.

  7. #17
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Super. I'll create a bug report then.

  8. #18
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2016
    Virginia, USA
    The issue of cows not spawning Tybalt has been fixed. Thanks, S8!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    The issue of cows not spawning Tybalt has been fixed. Thanks, S8!
    No kidding huh, super fast ! For sure, putting in the Bugs moves it fast. Good to know.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SofiaDeo View Post
    Maybe post this in the Bugs thread, I find that staff respond quickly.

    I just put in a ticket on another issue; I just had a silent rollback, and chopping the Pink tree gave Zero drops. Collecting from all 25 red mishroom circles gave zero drops. I had just done these before the rollback, and could have sworn there were some drops. Re-doing everything after the rollback gave nothing!

    So far I have gotten 1 drop from 4 collections of the Troll Camp across my 4 accounts FYI.

    Edit: whatever this glitch was, it seems to be gone, yay!

    Second Troll Camp collection on 3 accounts gave a drop. One account had a rollback after the 1 drop I got, and the craft I had started with it rolled back also oh well now all accounts are even.
    Didn’t know we can report no drops as bug! But what is the threshold how many collections without drops are considered buggy?

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