Thank you so much for the Giant Sweetheart FINALLY! I have tried to win from crate many times and couldn't. Please put this item for sale on Friday so i can purchase a 2nd one. The recipes are okay - the only one I really like is the Rose Pudding. I like the 1 day items because there are only 3 and repeat on a different level - so can start 6 Valentine Cookies and 3 Love Potions and they will time out beautifully. In the mean time I am working on the 1 hour recipes so have them almost ready to gem out by the time the Valentine Cookies finish and move to the 2nd Level. Thankfully I had my last 12 Heart Coffees baking and they counted for both the side and mini goals which is sweet.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a HUGE sale on Friday with the items requested in the wish post. We need a lot more tables/chairs that haven't been released since at least 2019. Please look at the wish list.