Conversation Between sourlicorice2 and nmishii

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sry I accidently sent one already. I meant to wait till u asked but it's been a long tiring day and forgot. My apologies :-( I'll remember to wait tomorrow for sure though.
  2. Can you send me a gift from your second BS game? I just woke up, have 20 gifts, and declined 1. Would like to see if I get a replacement. Thanks.
  3. No worries :-) keep me as a nbr as long as u want on that shop. I'm happy to help out :-)
  4. Thanks for trying. Sometimes I get replacements for declined gifts, sometimes I don't. I needed proof that people were sending gifts and getting the maxed out msg before I accepted 20.

    I'm trying different scenarios. Would like to keep you as a nbr for a couple more days to see if I can get a gift after declining gifts, if not a problem. I'll let you know when to send, since I need to have received 20 gifts before the check is valid.
  5. Got on but it said unable to gift etc :-(
  6. Sending now:-)
  7. Ooh no I won't. I can't get on the games on my iPhone right now but I'll try to send now if I can get on. My games on my iPad are working fine though.
  8. I'll send now if u want :-)
  9. Thanks. Sent you an invite. Declined 2 heating coils and stuck at 18 gifts. Want to see if I can get replacements for the declined gifts. Thanks.
  10. I'm at work Monday to Friday and I don't bring my iPad especially right now as its the rainy season and it's been pouring after school. However I have a second bakery on my iPhone - ID sourlicorice. If u send me an invite I can send a gift at reset tomorrow from that one. You can delete me afterwards from that one as I only gift on that. I very seldom tip.
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