Conversation Between pinkster73 and jellypie200

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. No it fits it just stays still though
  2. Thanks
  3. Hey pink,
    Thanks for joining
    If you have any ideas
    Or wanna edit anything
    I'll transfer the group
    Transfer me back
    When you're done
  4. To resize an animated GIF you use
  5. Hey,
    Pinkster you have been accepted to be a v.i.p. manager
    My special club
    If you would like to join
    Send me a pm
  6. I tried it and put it on my profile
    And it's not working
  7. I know thanks very much
  8. You're welcome. It's sized for your profile if you want.
  9. Thanks
  10. For you:

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
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