Conversation Between sweetstuff525 and queentina3

5 Visitor Messages

  1. im using the halloween version .. ill message you in game
  2. What version of RS are you using that you're able to do the Teleport? No matter how I try to lay out my RS it won't work. I'm still using Halloween Version.
  3. I saw your message on the wall. You probably didn't get it because you downloaded the game before you received the goal. I had done the same with Bubble Mania and it took weeks, if not a month, before I received the goal for it in my other TL games.
  4. Hey, I sent you an invite in Monster to get by the goals. I have a goal now about sending gold to a neighbor, so if you want to accept my invite, I'll send you one right away. I'm trying to get to level 7 to get passed the goals in RS/BS/Farm/Fashion.
  5. Thanks for updating RS Goals with the pic. My Berry Pies will be done at 1130a, so by 1145a I should have the last step to the London Summers chain posted.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5