Conversation Between yummum2 and pops1972

8 Visitor Messages

  1. ha Ha happy valentines!
  2. O my life thats the cutiest thing ever! Awwwwwww haha. X
  3. cats make me smile.
  4. Ooo no i love the dancing cat! Haha. I love cats! Even the creepy bedraggled kind. Yes i wish there was consequences.....i dont think peoples advice of ignoring the bullies is always a good idea. I personally like to confront them as usually bullies dont like a confrontation as they themselves suffer from insecurities/shyness or lack of social s****s to equip them with a good telling off from a mum! Ha! If u play bakery story pls add me.
  5. Woops I didn't know it was going to dance. It just looked like a kitten trying to give a hug. Now it just look creepy. Sorry
  6. Hug
  7. It really bothers me too. I can't make any sense of it. I want there to be consequences. I just say a prayer that they get what they deserve. Maybe they deserve something good. Like a good kick in the pants. Ha ha.
  8. That was a really nice thing u wrote. Thank u. Ive been called many things in my time but never a hero ( which im afraid im not....wish i was). I just cant stand bullying/victimization or bad manners. Think when u become a mum u get even more sensitive towards it dont u agree??? Thank u once again xx
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