Conversation Between julia3032 and Tara_24

4 Visitor Messages

  1. It's ridiculous that we have to pay anything! It's our own shop! TL is too greedy. Some of these outfits cost 20-30 gems or more! That's over 5.00 of real money! Crazy.
  2. yh i wish and i didn't by all of them i just bought the ones that cost coing but not the gems ones
  3. You bought them ALL? Wow. I don't think so. I bought a a pair of shoes for gems and it didn't count for the goal. We still have 2 weeks...until Jan. 13, so hopefully they will release new content for coins for our closets.
  4. hi you posted on my thread yes i know i meant boutique party part 2 i do not have any clothes for my avatar that cost coing cuz i bought them all a while ago. i was just wondering if gem tops could replace them?
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