Conversation Between julia3032 and nmishii

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. cleared again.
  2. cleared now
  3. Your PMs need to be cleared.
  4. Oh, yes, I'm also trying to build a Holiday Drink machine and a regular drink if you could send motors, that would be great! Thanks and again, Merry Christmas!
  5. Well, that is interesting to know. Yes, good idea..but I think we will always be unwilling beta testers. I don't know where they get their ethics and ideas of what constitutes good customer service. Maybe because we keep rewarding bad behavior. You should be getting a motor from me. All of my neighbors will, because I forgot to uncheck everyone. I do think this is the worst update...except for the one they did shortly after RS opened. They did an update to fix some small thing and the whole thing went haywire..just completely off the hook. I think a lot of ppl quit during that time. It took over 3 weeks to fix. They did give us all 15 gems at the end of it. If I don't get a chance to talk to you again, have a Merry Christmas!
  6. Yes, they currently develop for iOS, then port to Android. We want the releases to be at the same time. I even suggested that while the Android team is porting, for the iOS team to use that time to test the release :-).

    They can develop the unique code/screens such as for the user interface that won't port in parallel, and then port the common code.

    There are ways they can make the porting simpler, and there are 3rd party tools where you can generate a tests that can be run on any mobile device. Someone posted that another company developed an engine so that they can release to iOS and Android at the same time.

    They always had a lot of problems with their releases, but the ones this month hit an all time low from what I can tell. Pet Story, Zoo Story, and the goal system made the gifting system changes a few months ago look a good release.

    They really need to staff up. And maybe allocate more of their current staff to Android development.
  7. True that about TL...what was I thinking??? I have a question for you...I read over some of the issues that Droid users were upset about and what it seemed to me kinda boiled down to the way TL is handling this, i.e. porting to Android instead of developing content independently and if they are going to port, not holding IOS content until the Android content is ready. Is this correct? I was wondering about asking them to develop independently, because it's sort of like asking them to reinvent the wheel. They can barely program for IOS without creating a bunch more problems. They probably feel safer porting, hoping they will make less mistakes. Not trying to excuse them in any way...I just always wonder about stuff...especially since TL never really communicates with us about anything.
  8. I wanted my neighbors to know their Android neighbors couldn't help them with their goals. They either removed the requests because they didn't work and you never got what we accepted anyway, or their Support got flooded with tickets from Android users who don't visit the forums asking what those requests were and how to be able to request them on their game. I don't think it was to spare our feelings, remember this is TL.

    We knew we weren't going to get the goals when they were released since it takes months for them to port to Android. I asked several times for the goal items to be given to us as weekly updates, until I read about all the issues you guys were having. Hopefully we'll get something more, since all we got on RS was the Morning Cheer and on BS the Choc. Cherry Trifle and Red Velvet Cookies.
  9. Thanks for letting me know that Droid nbrs can no longer approve goal requests. I don't even know how many Droid nbrs I have. Probably not that many after last week, lol! Perhaps they did that to spare your feelings and not remind you that you don't have goals! I hope they at least give you the recipes! I now have to make another round of 30 hot chocolates! It is too stupid! All this aggravation for a few recipes that they should just give us outright! And they are not recognizing my Candy Cane maker for some reason even though it did before! I play Tap Fish and we have events that are fun and we get all kinds of free decorations...just beautiful stuff and backgrounds! They introduced some quests but they are so simple and easy to do, it's a pleasure and fun to do them.
  10. We had terrible problems in restaurant disappearing, coins being taken. I left the game in April and just only came back because I was told they finally started having weekly updates as they advertised they would do. I don't understand how they have so many problems. Do you play other games besides TL? I do and none of the other companies have these kinds of server problems every single day. They don't plant gem traps, they give you confirmations and the gem (or in-house currency) is a much better value. I play Tap Fish and they also cross platform. I know that Droid users there don't always have the same things, but I believe there is more parity there. TL has good game concepts and artists....their coders not so much.
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