Conversation Between canacanacana and Rachael98

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm thinking maybe us iOS users should start bragging instead of treading lightly. Stir the pot a little lol.
  2. *giggle*
  3. No kidding. Seems to be a recent trend around here for iOS users. Share your experience or opinion and the drama ensues. It's maddening!
  4. . You make me laugh! I don't want to be thrown for pointing something out.
  5. Well sometimes throwing is necessary! 
  6. Haha, perhaps. But if that's the case, I'm pretty good for throwing
  7. Its probably not you digging the hole--it's the people that disagree with you trying to throw you in one : )
  8. I try...but whenever I do in what you're saying, I dig myself into a hole!
  9. Haha, thx Rachael. I try to be the voice of reason sometimes, but it doesn't always come across that way : )
  10. Your posts are really helpful.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10