Conversation Between thiny19 and maggieyyli

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Btw, can you add more description for your lovely dragon? like why they have a backet of grass, what is difference between epic and young dragon... it will surely help your audience know its character and love them let your dragon more
  2. Thanks for your compliment! I like your concept too and originally I would like to do some concepts with Bali-style. But soon I see your post I give up -- your idea is so good! So get back to work on sea theme!
  3. Hi, thank you for the message:-) your sweet:-) your art is really pretty, so, i really need to say it:-)
  4. Thanks for ur support in the clover deco contest! I like ur entry too and feel ur pain for night club story! C u in the coming contest!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4