Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and Rachael98

176 Visitor Messages

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  1. How about something random?

    Bawpotter and I are in Antactica RIGHT NOW!! McMurdo Station. Can you believe it?!
  2. I really like Vending Machine. The Mod break was pretty good too.
    I'm feeling quite content today (just been out for a delicious meal), but can you tell me something funny anyway? I like funny things....
  3. That's a good question.. so many good ones to choose from. I liked the "answer with a song title" and "2 truths and a lie" games the most.
  4. Good. I like it too.
    What's your favourite FG?
  5. glad you liked it! i like this new game.. very creative answers so far!
  6. Haha! Love your gem post!
  7. Blimey...that's pretty impressive. I don't often frequent public houses...but if that's the way to do it I will...later...
  8. No training, just talk to as many people as you can, especially in 'pubs' (when it's your time) and copy a little of the ones who talk like you'd like to talk

    edit- And I always read old books, the classics, timeless stuff. Almost always non-fiction. Had a professor in college who said "life's too short for fiction". Words of wisdom.
  9. You're very good with words...I've meant to ask this almost since we met when I shot myself in the foot by bashing TL...wrongly. Anyway, what sort of higher qualification (eg. Masters Degree, Higher A*) qualifications have you got in English (L&L).
  10. If they gave me a position as Floating Mod...; well, I'd do it (obviously the Moderating as well as the master list)!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 176
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