Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and Rachael98

176 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the kind gesture, but I don't really need or want free gems. I have more than enough animals to do races and the gem animals are from gems I won in contests so it really hasn't cost me anything and even if it had, the pleasure I get out of the contests would more than make up for it

    But thanks again!
  2. Ooh! MDD2! Please PM me when I can sign up (or count mr in now for any animal; this might be unfair though). I'd name the animal...Mog.
  3. You win! Congratulations!
  4. No... I wouldn't have guessed. I gave a right old rant though...I am going to get a lot hates for it!:/ Oh well, I don't care. You should see the abuse I get on my RS Wall! I see you're currently looking at thew Downs Derby! I'm so sad about
  5. I think you might be on to something
  6. Now, why on the server compensation thread (5 gems?) is it that all of the long-standing TeamLava supporters have voted for no compensation and that the money-hungry guys have voted for compensation? Coincidence I don't think...!
Showing Visitor Messages 171 to 176 of 176
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