Conversation Between nikky2012 and Nefertekas

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. It was pretty bad. I wanted to say something but I could only think of things that would get me in trouble, lol.
  2. I know my dear nikky, i know. thank you. I just wish i could sometimes properly respond to people, but I don't want any uncalled mod attention...ehehehe. I try not to leave any sillyness unresponded though.
  3. Jeez there's a lot of cranky people on here! We don't all feel like that Nef! Don't pay any attention to them!
  4. Hiya! Hope the pink hybrids are in your favor!!
  5. Aw, thank you xD <3
  6. Ah okay. I'm happy you're on again. You make the forums less boring
  7. Ah i am in Portugal, so GMT ( or UCT) here
  8. 1:39 p.m. I was just curious what the time difference was!
  9. Yeah it's seven Pm right now. You?
  10. I'm good too. Thanks Gir is pretty adorable. What time is it for you right now?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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