Conversation Between mammami08 and PDAGuppies

1 Visitor Messages

    I'v been playing for a long time, early june i think. I had every dragon befor the LE:s and have had my time of fails whit them to. I got witch and pumpkin the first round the were about and tried for zombie about five times and Boo six times. I do get gold from nice neighbors (about 7-10) a day and i do use those to speed up. I have been lucky whit the "download other team lava games" and ther you can earn 75 golds per game. I didn't say i didn't use gold just that i didn't buy it.

    And yes, i consider my self quite lucky, but i had more luck befor new dawn.

    How do you get 75 gold for the ads like TL game ads? That never happens to me. I get ads with no rewards...
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