Conversation Between myweedpatch and Rachael98

6 Visitor Messages

  1. know that GM doesn't like VMs, don't you?
  2. OMG! I am so sorry. I assumed. And you know what they say about that. So male huh? Female here. But often referred to as "he" said, maybe myweedpatch sounds male. Anyway. My real name... Sent in a pm to you. :-)
  3. Gender crisis! Lol. Names can be deceiving...
  4. Clever girl :-) touch
  5. Asking me a rhetorical question is just going to make me post. So let's carry on here. I now have the last word...
  6. Haha! I love your most recent post on GM's wall! It's great.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6