Conversation Between pinkperry22 and 143Blue

6 Visitor Messages

  1. woah i just noticed theres 2 pinks one perry one berry! now.... which one uhhhh lol
  2. ohhhh lol but i think we wouldve of met anyway since sum of my nbrs no u lol
  3. Hahaha that's how I found u on the first place :P
    I used to see ur posts then I added u to see ur boutique lol
    So we met on the forums actually xP
  4. lol im still laughing about how i know ur on fashion but didnt know u here:P
  5. omg u are!!! lol i totally forgot lolo
  6. congrats!!! lol r u my nbr on fashion story?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6