Conversation Between SmokeyMtnGirl and AnnasCoffee

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I also worked with a lady once who was deaf and she read lips but she also spoke. I had no idea til I was talking to her when she was cooking and she wouldn't answer. I thought maybe she was mad and ignoring me. lol. I hadn't even noticed the hearing aids. Funny how with some people that is the first thing they notice h.
  2. I use to work at a camp (in the kitchen) and they not only had kids but adult groups. We had a couple of weekends with deaf people. The last day a group of 3 were trying to leave and I for some reason was the only person left up there. Their car wouldn't start. I ended up jumping them off but I wanted so bad to know SL so I could talk to them. I think SL should be offered in school as an option instead of just Spanish and French.
  3. Most of the time she will use spoken words to communicate. Some words are harder than others, words with the letters s, k, l and r are more difficult for most deaf people. So if it's a difficult word she will speak it as best as she can and sign it at the same time. I can't always understand her words.

    Yes, she reads lips! I was surprised the first time I realized she was able to do it. I asked if she wanted a cookie, then I realized her cochlear wasn't on... She KNEW... Of course she knew... Cookie is an important word! Hehehe

    I'm glad you asked! Sign language is so beautiful and it helps ALL kids learn to communicate. My sister taught her son, before my daughter was born.
  4. What did you mean by spoken sign language in the threads? Does she read lips? That is awesome. I cannot do that at all. I know a little signing. I would love to know it well enough to communicate with a deaf person. I am glad she is able to hear some with the implant.
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