Conversation Between greygull and Rachael98

88 Visitor Messages

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  1. [LINK]

    Know anything about this? I'm clueless (as usual).
  2. [LINK]

    Could this magically move to RS Add Me?
  3. It's 10:20 am here right now. I'm not sure when he gets on...
  4. How long is it normally until GM gets online on Mondays (I can't remember the GMT / PDT crossovers...)?
  5. [LINK]

    An edit of the second quote may not go amiss...


    Edit of OP, due to a slightly rude typo?
  6. Da da da daaaaa!


    Inappropriate discussion...
  7. Haha! I have worked out my problems (any comments regarding my sanity are not welcome at this point)!
    I was using the Mobile Photobucket, which is why the GIFs wouldn't work.
  8. Thanks. I'll take a look in a couple of days when I want a new GIF.
  9. When searching on there, type ".gif" and whatever you're looking for, then copy it and keep previewing a message (PM, VM, post) to see what it looks like. When copying from there, use the second code from the bottom.
  10. Well, I don't agree to their ToS for an account, so I can't sign up, and I find the layout very confusing to navigate; additionally, I can't see what are and are not GIFs.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 88
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