Conversation Between pastrychef17 and julia3032

2 Visitor Messages

  1. HI! I just need paint and fuses now...I sent a request for eggs. CS all done now. I'm on the last one for the sleigh...I hope! What do you need or want for a gift?
    I am just dreading gifting in matter what I do, it seems that everyone gets the same gift! I hate it! So glad they didn't change this in Bakery!
  2. Hi! Hope you had a nice holiday! Could you let me know if you receive a request from me for cinnamon sticks in BS? I'm on the last part for the Candy Cane Cake. I know you had a problem getting yours and already I'm having trouble making the request. Could you send me some paint in Bakery? I'm trying to build a few more Candy Cane ovens! Thanks so much!
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