Conversation Between madaxman and lovefayse

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello, I've quit TS. It's on my wall Somewhere down
    The bottom. I have this and FB and some
    Email addys to keep the decent people there.Have fun with your TL games and thanks for being an awesome neighbour. Xx
  2. I saw your island on TS first but glad you let me know about it... it's brilliant! You should post it on the forum somewhere (on your profile here would be a good place!!)
  3. Come see my island!! please *bats lashes*
  4. Yay it's all fixed now!! News is back too. I also left an interesting conspiracy theory on my wall... Hehehe
  5. Thanks for trying... It's some people here and there...
  6. Yes, I discovered your wall was down after you had visited me. I returned the favour but when I tried to write on your wall, the words appeared and then immediately disappeared, which was a little frustrating!
  7. Mines still semi-down my walls and news are down and ive reset so don't be surprised if I'm
    Not tending til it's all back up.
  8. I didn't have a clue what your message meant until I went on to facebook and saw that there had been connection issues overnight (well, overnight for me!). It also explains your burnt chooks! See you soon.
  9. Hello sir! I'm having crazy treasure story withdrawals and a bit sad coz I like to play it with Mr Raven. It's probably your bed time but just saying hi!
  10. Thinking about it, maybe we should have a version of it on TS group discussion board too... any innovative ideas as to how it could be done?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
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