Conversation Between hahadrago1998 and moostermine

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there! How's things?
  2. Ok, maybe I won't, if it goes in at the beginning of this thread it might confuse things. Sorry couldn't get it on the end of the last one....didn't think it would get closed so quick!
  3. You can but its a new start so you don't have to.
  4. Do you still want a final story for Zombie/Goblin?
  5. Hi! Are you wanting to do this weeks battle? If not could you let me know? How are you?
    Say hi to Bob for me would you
  6. Hiya! Saw the poll! Did you pm Kooky to have her put it in the thread?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6