Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and Rachael98

176 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not as religous as I'd like to be, but I do go to church every sunday. I think faith is a very important thing. It comes in many forms, and we all, hopefully, eventually find it one way or another.
  2. And whilst my poem is a load of funny nonsense, that's just so true. It's fantastically important that everyone always sticks to that.
    I find this prayer quite inspirational too (I'm not sure if you're religious, but I am?)-
    "Lord God almighty,
    who so kindled the faith of King Oswald with your Spirit
    that he set up the sign of the Cross*in his kingdom
    and turned his people to the light of Christ:
    grant that we, being fired by the same Spirit,
    may always bear our cross before the world
    and be found faithful servants of the gospel;
    through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
    who is alive and reigns with you,
    in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
    one God, now and for ever. *Amen"
  3. Very cold. You know, we all must have one poem we've held close our entire life, right? I still remember mine, learned when I was 2. I'll tell it to you.

    I have feelings,
    you do too,
    I'd like to share,
    a few with you.
    Sometimes I'm happy,
    sometimes I'm sad,
    sometimes I'm scared,
    and sometimes I'm mad.
    But the most important,
    feeling you see,
    is that I'm proud,
    of being me.

    Not much to it.. but it's the poem I was given when I was 2, so it's the one I have.
  4. I've remembered it, a looong time. So, is it nice and warm at the pole?
  5. I like that. I'm going to remember it.
  6. How dare you say that? TL never get any love!

    The *dead* sword reminds of this poem, for some reason-

    "One fine day, in the middle of the night,
    Two dead men got up to fight;
    Back to back, they faced each other,
    Drew their swords and shot each other!"

    I like that poem. Pretty much as un-sensible as it gets.
  7. I have a *honed* Shuriken (ninja star) which decreases my enemy's strength and defense. Bawpotter has a *dead* sword which creates a skeleton minion to fight for him every time he slays someone.

    Rest assured this game is vastly superior to the TL games. Yikes.. did I just commit blasphemy?!
  8. OK, random it is! So PK and It sounds interesting. What've you got so far?
  9. We're playing an online role playing game called Parallel Kingdom together. We are traveling the world, hunting down vicious monsters and earning gold to buy better weapons. And we decided we'd try out the hunting in Antarctica since we can go anywhere on the planet (the game is tied to google maps). Let me tell you, there is better hunting elsewhere, but you probably already knew that
  10. No...umm...err...explain?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 176
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